Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Student Loan Scam Is An Interesting Book - 1320 Words
The Student Loan Scam is an interesting book that details all the information that people need to know about, the good and the bad. It is interesting and an easy read, but can be better understood through the use of theories. The theories we find in this book are Power Elite Theory, Karl Marx’s Surplus Populations, Monopoly Capitalism, the Education Industrial Complex, Anomie, and Labeling Theory. Power Elite Theory is one of the more predominate theories in The Student Loan Scam. This is seen mainly through the people at the top in the government as well as those in the head of certain corporations, especially Sallie Mae. Power elite theory says that wealthy individuals or their family members and friends circulate through three power†¦show more content†¦Sallie Mae would bribe other companies, then buy them, and finally pay off the employees so that Sallie Mae employees can take over. Sallie Mae, EdFund, and the USA Group Loan Service spent millions lobbying congres s and donating large amounts of money to elected officials. Sallie Mae bought the USA group out and brought their employees into the business. The old employees of the USA Group were awarded money in stock, salary increase, and contracts stating that the employee would leave within a year of the buyout. Companies such as Sallie Mae were benefiting based on the single-holder rule. This states that a person’s loans after graduating had to be consolidated with the company that originally made the loan. This way the wealth stayed with them and they were better able to add on fees and high interest rates. Sallie Mae gave out lots of money, but due to legislation such as the rule above, Sallie Mae stayed a power elite. Sallie Mae had power over congress, legislation, the Education Committee, and even college financial officers. Some financial aid administrators actually held direct financial stakes in the very same lenders that they were promoting on campus. Power elite theory can be drawn into capitalism. Sallie Mae employs fall under this theory. They cycle through power structures. They start out at the company, then end up in companies they bought, or they have stock in a company they deal with. Some people
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Cultural Change and Shifting Views of America Essay
Cultural Change and Shifting Views of America Tina Hudaifa ARTS/125 – Pop Culture and the Arts Professor: Kevin Ballard April 20, 2015 Cultural Change and Shifting View in America Many consider The 1893 Chicago’s World Fair as a day that paved the way out of traditional life into modernization. It was considered one of the first cases in history where communication technologies, marketing strategies, and urban†¦show more content†¦Henri inspired other painters to seek authenticity, a quality that is combined with the validity of one’s first impression and personal experience, as well as the current emphasis on the truth. Modernization carried an updated visual sense and the artists of Ashcan school and shaped viewers interest in unusual modes of identifying New York City. The Ashcan School rebelled against skillful, finished portraits by having the ability in restoring the outward appearances of individuals and instead celebrating the creative process. One way they were able to achieve through the 1905 Hester Street painting that celebrated the scampering streets of urban life, as it displayed immigrant shoppers, curious onlookers, casual strollers, and pushcart peddlers to represent citizens as of equal importance. The purpose was to overlook the overcrowding, crime, and sheer poverty of the slums by creating a more colorful and lively place that represented hope in the future. â€Å"Yet she is also a type, both easily recognizable and representative to isolate and define the terms of race, ethnicity, and class as he considered the nation’s democratic character and identity†(Doss, 2002, p. 49). Another prime example they were able to depict this was in The 1907 Eva Green painting, which main purpose was to reject the derogatory depictions of American Americans. Robert Henri managed toShow MoreRelatedEssay on Hsu Hua the End of White America1095 Words  | 5 PagesSarah Thompson Dr. Campbell English 101 April 22, 2013 The End of White America Hua Hsu is the author of â€Å"The End of White America’†and also teaches in the English Department at Vassar College. He’s known for writing about music, sports and culture. Many of his articles have appeared in magazines such as The Village Voice, The Boston Globe, The Atlantic and The New York Times. In his article â€Å"The End of White America?†Hua Hsu attempts to convince the reader that demographic shifts, immigrationRead MoreThe Eagle : A Symbol Of American Culture987 Words  | 4 Pagesfathers of the United States of America chose the Bald Eagle to represent the country and all that it stood for. The Eagle’s Cultural significance has changed drastically in the past 20 years alone as people collectively change their thoughts on subjects that are associated with the Eagle. 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Ultimately though the Oneida people collapsed under the greedRead MoreAfrican Diaspora Identity : History, Race, Culture, And Language1147 Words  | 5 Pagesaspects of self-identification that are impacted through migration. In the case of African diaspora identity, literature has allowed expression of the experiences of those who have entered America with African origins. Literature has allowed free expression when at times the African’s who were brought to America were enslaved without a voice. To fully understand African Diaspora identity one must understand the four factors of history, culture, race and language and the ways it impacts identity. Read MoreThe Immigration Act Of 19241732 Words  | 7 PagesAmerica is no foreigner to immigrants. From the pilgrims who came searching for religious liberation to African slaves that had lost their liberty, America’s history has been shaped by the influx of immigrants from different parts of the world. As America grew, it became, and still is, a promised land for many. As a result, immigration has become a pivotal topic in the American culture and with time, the dynamics of immigration has changed due to a shifting of fo cus between different immigrant groupsRead MoreSexuality Reflection1221 Words  | 5 Pagesin East Asia, there are legal reforms being made to give women in Korea and Japan more rights (East Asia Forum). This does not have to do with sexuality, however it is a hopeful sign that as political and governmental changes are being made that this is a sign that societal changes are evolving as well. An instrumental example is as of this year, Taiwan legalized same sex marriage which â€Å"‘is a huge step forward for LGBTI rights in Taiwan and will resonate across Asia.’ (Chappell, B.). Korea wasRead MoreBilingualism As A Negative Attribute935 Words  | 4 Pagesthan good in the minds of multicultural people, and especially children (Arsenian 1945). It was once believed that having knowledge of two distinct languages in one brain could lead to â€Å"mental confusion, inadequate mastery of either language, and cultural up rootedness†(Arsenian 1945: 69-70). Accordi ng to the article â€Å"Bilingualism in the Post War World†written in 1945, this notion was seriously considered decades before the Second World War and was still being considered since the publication ofRead MoreAfrocentricity, Race, and Reason1502 Words  | 7 Pagesoriginal avenues to understanding humans. Through the research on Afrocentricity done by the intellectuals and writers listed above, they hoped it would serve as a vehicle to liberation for Africans. Among them, there was a general consensus that cultural, social, political, and economic liberation desperately needed in the African community would only be realized through the re-centering of the African mind. Though the Afrocentric idea had been an emerging philosophy for some time, Afrocentricity
Monday, December 9, 2019
South West Airlines Value Chain
Question: Discuss about the Report on South West Airlines? Answer: Distinctive value chain The South West Airlines are the best example for the formulation of the IO(Input/output or industrial organisation) model which subjects to handle the different completions of the market with secondary airports, frequent departures along with the flights scheduled at point-to-point time and the standardisation of the aircraft. There is a complete support which has the no-frilling value propositions. (Coyne et al., 2006). Airline Profitability The typical security pattern of equity works to take hold of different offers and reach a maximum level of average returns and funding profiles. For managing the companies, there is a need to keep a track of all the raw materials that are under the transportation. There are different logistics and approaches to handling the inbound supply chain management. Analysis of Value Chain on unique customer value? The concept is based on holding the organisation and determining all the strategic values which try to hold the competitive advantage for operations and highlighting the necessary changes in the organisation. There are robust infrastructural changes of the South West Airlines which helps in leveraging activities and positions based on the primary demonstration act and the cost structural pattern. (Porter, 2008). The overheads of the fuel and maintenance of labour are high and operative and so they require a proper maintenance under the commodity trading centre. The enhancement of the aviation technology are based on saving fuel and working for the increase in throughput efficiency. Competitive advantages and disadvantages The major threat to the South West Airlines is the shortage of the necessary equipment supply and the relationship with the Boeing which depends on the dealings they have. It is also important to focus on the sizing limitations and the air traffic control which leads to settle the regulations based on the possession of commercial airports. The advantage is that the functioning is done using a control of all the entities and the state government where the organisations work on abiding to and handling the economic situations to control the jobs and take care of the concentrated labour. The strategy of price reduction works on employing the business and taking care of a greater marketing share. This set the competition for handle the features of product and functions depending upon the availability. (Mitchell et al., 2009). The prices are matched and worked upon to grow and develop a proper relationship with the suppliers. The South West airlines have a threat of the new entrants who can direct to stringent regulatory patterns with the intensive capital costs. The SWA work on taking care of the major investors and regard the concerns to emulate all the business modelling techniques. There are modes of travelling with the advent to focus on the media technologies along with taking care of the costs of operations. Disintegrated Roce: Reference Coyne, K.P. and Balakrishnan S (2006), Bringing discipline to strategy, The McKinsey Quarterly, No.4 Mitchell, J., Coles, C., and Keane, J. (2009) Upgrading along value chains: Strategies for poverty reduction in Latin America London, UK: COPLA Global Porter, M.E. (2008) The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy, Harvard business Review, January 2008 Seetharaman (October 21, 2009),"Southwest to Start Flying to Panama City, Florida". Reuters. Retrieved 14th Sep 2010
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Sex Without Love Essays - Emotions, Personal Life, Sexology
Sex Without Love "Sex Without Love," by Sharon Olds passionately describes the author's disgust for casual sex. She vividly animates the immortality of lustful sex through her language variety. Olds' clever use of imagery makes this poem come to life. Olds frequently uses similes to make the audience imagine actual events. For example, Olds describes making love as "Beautiful as dancers." (Line #2) In this line, she questions how one can do such a beautiful act with a person whom one is not in love with. Olds also describes sex as "gliding over each other like ice skaters over the ice."(Line #3,4) She is referring to sex as a performance. Imagine an ice skating performance. Each ice skater is performing for judges and an audience to win an award. Olds uses this simile to relate people performing for one another. When two people truly are in love, there is no need for any special show or performance. Another simile the author uses is "As wet as the children at birth whose mothers are going to give them away," (line #6,7,8) to simulate a sweaty lovemaking scene. The simile"light rising slowly as steam off their joined skin" (line #11,12,13) can also be used to perceive the same image of a hot, sweaty, and passionate love making scene. The author repeatedly questions how two people who are not in love can perform such a spiritual act. The simile "As wet as the children at birth whose mothers are going to give them away," can also be used to represent the outcome of lustful copulation. When two people engage in sexual activities, a large percent of the mothers choose to ignore the outcome and either abort or give their children up for adoption. Olds compares the lovers with "great runners." (Line #18) In this simile, she implies that lovers are alone with their own pleasures. Olds' questions this selfishness throughout the poem. How can two people be alone in pleasure, when sex is supposed to be both physically and emotionally shared between lovers? Olds uses hyperbole to describe her belief that sex and God are entwined. "These are the true religions, the priest, the pros, the one who will not accept a false Messiah, love the priest instead of the God." (Lines #13-17) In these lines she says that sex is more than pleasure, and if one is merely using sex for pleasure they are accepting a false God. She describes people as hypocrites who claim to love the lord, yet engage in immoral sex. In the lines, "come to the come to the come to the God come to the still waters, and not love the one they came there with," (lines #8-11) Olds describes two people climaxing. Olds perceives sex as spiritual, and wonders how people can bring a person with whom they are not in love with before God. Olds uses hyperbole to share her disgust of casual sex with her audience. In conclusion, Olds clearly despises people who engage in sex without being in love. She is able to emphasize her view in a tasteful manner by using imagery throughout her poem. Olds is able to express her disgust by using imagery to portray her objection to casual sex.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Never Trust a Lady Essay Example
Never Trust a Lady Essay Example Never Trust a Lady Essay Never Trust a Lady Essay Never Trust a Lady Victor Canning Everyone thought that Horace Denby was a good, honest citizen. He was about fifty years old and unmarried, and he lived with a housekeeper who worried over his health. In fact he was unusually very well and happy, except for attacks of hay fever in summer. He made locks and was successful enough at his business to have two helpers. Yes, Horace Denby was good and respectable-but not completely honest. Fifteen years ago, Horace had served his first and only sentence in prison for stealing jewels. The priest at the prison had liked Horace-everyone did-and had tried to help him to live an honest life. But Horace did not want to become honest; he only wanted to make sure that his dishonesty never got him into trouble again. Horace hated prison. He hated the food, the lack of exercise, and the ugly, worn-out books in the prison library. Horace loved rear expensive books. So he robbed a safe every year. Each year he planned carefully just what he would do, stole enough to last for twelve months, and secretly bought the books he loved through an agent. Now walking in the bright July sunshine, he felt sure that this year’s robbery was going to be as successful as all the others. For two weeks he had been studying the house at Shotover Grange, looking at its rooms, its electric wiring, its paths, and its garden. This afternoon the two servants remained in the Grange while the family was in London, had gone to the movies. Horace saw them go, and he felt happy spite of a little tickle of hay fever in his nose. He came out from behind the garden wall, his tools carefully packed in a bag on back. There were about fifteen thousand pounds’ worth of jewels in the Grange safe. If he sold them one by one he expected to get at least five thousand, enough to make him happy for another year. There were three very interesting books coming up for sell in the autumn. Now he would get the money he needed to buy them. He had seen the housekeeper hang the key to the kitchen door on a hook outside. He put on a pair of gloves, took the key and opened the door. He was always careful not to leave any fingerprints. A small dog was lying in the kitchen. It stirred, made a noise, and moved its tail in a friendly way. ‘all right, Sherry,’ Horace said as he passed. All you had to do to keep dogs quite was to call them by their right names, and show them love. The safe was in the drawing room, behind a rather poor painting. Horace wondered for a moment whether he should collect pictures instead of books. But they took up too much room. In a small house, books were better. There was a great bowl of flower on the table, and Horace felt his nose tickle. He gave a little sneeze and then put down his bag. He carefully arranged his tools. He had four hours before the servants returned. The safe was not going to be heart to open. After all he had lived with locks and safes all his life. The burglar alarm was poorly built. He went into the hall to cut its wire. He came back and sneezed loudly as the smell of flowers came to him again. How foolish people are when they won valuable things, Horace thought. A magazine article had described this house, giving a plan all the rooms and a picture of this room. The writer had even mentioned that the painting hid a safe! But Horace found that the flowers were hindering him in his work. He buried his face in his handkerchief. Then he heard a voice say from the door way: â€Å"What is it? A cold or hay fever? †Before he could thing Horace said,†hay fever†and found himself sneezing again. The voice went on: â€Å"you can cure it with special treatment; you know if you found out just what plan gives you the disease. I thing you’d better see a doctor if you are serious about your work. I heard you from the top of the house just now. †It was a quite kindly voice ; but one with firmness in it. A woman was standing in the door way, and Sheery was rubbing against her. She was young, quite pretty, and was dressed in red. She walked to the fire place and straightened the ornaments there. Down, Sheery,†she said. â€Å"Any one would think I had been away for a month! †she smiled at Horace and went on, â€Å"However I came back just in time, though I didn’t expect to meet a burglar. †Horace had some hope because she seemed to be amused at meeting him. He might avoid trouble if he treated her the right way. He repli ed, â€Å"I didn’t expect to meet one of the families. †She nodded. â€Å"I see what an inconvenience it is for you to meet me. What are you going to do? †Horace said, â€Å"my thought to run. †â€Å"Of course, you could do that. But I would telephone and tell them all about you. They had get you at once. Horace said, â€Å"I would of course, cut the telephone first and then†he hesitated, a smile on his face, â€Å"I would make sure that you could do nothing for sometime. A few hours would be enough. She looked at him seriously, â€Å"you had heart me†Horace paused, and then said, â€Å"I thing I was trying to frighten you when I said that. †â€Å"You didn’t frighten me. †Horace suggested,†I would be nice if you would forget you ever saw me. Let me go. †The voice was suddenly sharp. â€Å"why should I? You are going to rob me. If I let you go, you will only rob someone else. Society must be protec ted from men like you. Horace smiled. â€Å"I am not a man who threatens society. I still only from those who have a lot of money. I still for a very good reason. And I heat the thought of prison. †She laughed and he begged, thinking that he had persuaded her, â€Å"look, I have no right to ask you anything, but I am desperate. Let me go and I promise never to do this kind thing again. I really mean it. †She was silent, watching him closely. Then she said, ‘you are really afraid of going to prison, aren’t you? †She came over to him, shaking her head. ‘I have always liked the wrong kind of people,’ she said. She picked up a silver box from the table and took a cigarette from it. Horace, eager to please her and seeing that she might help him, took off his gloves and gave her his cigarette lighter. ‘You will let me go? ’ e held the lighter towards her. ‘yes, but only if you’ll do something for me. ’ ‘Anything you say. ’ ‘Before we left for London, I promised my husband to take my jewels to our bank; but I left them here in safe. I want to wear them to a party tonight, so I came down to get them, but†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Horace smiled, ‘like a women, you have forgotten the numbers to open the safe, haven’t you? ‘Yes’. ‘Just leave it to me and you will have them with in an hour. But I will have to break your safe. ’ ‘Don’t worry about that. My husband won’t be here for a month, and I will have to safe repaired by that time. ’ And with in an hour Horace had opened the safe, given her the jewels, and gone happily away. For two days he kept his promise to the kind young lady. On the morning of the third day, however, he thought of the books he wanted and he knew he would have to look for another safe. But he never got the chance to begin his plan. By noon a police man had arrested him for the jewel robbery at Shotover Grange. His finger prints, for he had opened the safe without gloves, were all over the room, and no one believed him when he said that the wife of owner of the house had asked him to open the safe for her. The wife herself, a gray-haired, sharp-tongued woman of sixty, said that the story was nonsense. Horace is now the assistant librarian in the prison. He often thinks of that charming, cleaver young lady who was in the same profession as he was, and who trickled him. He gets very angry when any one talks about ‘honor among thieves’.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Best AP Biology Books 2019 Full Expert Reviews
The Best AP Biology Books 2019 Full Expert Reviews SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips It’s extremely important to have reliable books for learning and studying the material covered in AP classes. This is particularly true for AP Biology considering the complexity and breadth of the course's content. The format of the AP Biology exam was modified significantly in 2013, and there are some books that have kept up with the changes better than others. In this article, I’ll tell you which books are your best bet for acing AP Biology and which ones you should use only at your own risk! What’s in This Guide? This is my take on the best books to help you do well in AP Biology (the class and the exam!). In the first two sections, I’ve included the best textbook as well as a few high-quality review books. In the third section, I’ve included a couple of review books from popular prep companies that I rate a bit lower. I wanted to give you more specific details about the issues with these books so that you can supplement them appropriately if you have already bought them (or choose to buy them because you’re used to the format). My assessments of these AP Biology books are derived from Amazon reviews by students and educators as well as my personal impressions after perusing them. I’ll provide pros and cons for each book along with an overall summary of what it offers and whether I recommend it. I've also rated each book on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest score. The Best AP Biology Textbook Campbell Biology 11th Edition Price: $146 new Pros Good, easy-to-follow organizational structure. Great examples that will help you understand biological concepts. Helpful illustrations and diagrams throughout. Clear writing style. It’s used in real college classes, not just AP classes, so it could even be useful to you in the future! Cons Students sometimes complain that this book is overly dense and wordy. It’s pricey! But you can choose to buy a used version for about $50 cheaper. Summary This text is one of the most universally accepted college-level biology books. It’s written at a high-level, but, according to student feedback, it appears that most people have found it relatively easy to understand and generous in its use of diagrams and examples. I would recommend this book as a reliable AP Biology textbook if you’re self-studying or are having a lot of trouble understanding your in-class textbook. Rating: 9/10 The Best AP Biology Review Books This is a list of the review books that I think will be most helpful to students studying for the AP Biology exam. The highest-rated books include comprehensive coverage of the course material, excellent practice questions, and helpful test-taking and study planning tips for students. Preparing for the Biology AP Exam (School Edition) Price: $17 new Pros Includes high-quality free response and multiple choice questions at the end of each chapter that align well with the content of the updated AP Biology exam. Effectively highlights the most important things you need to know about each topic area. Encourages readers to make connections between topics, which is critical on the new version of the exam. Cons I haven’t seen any complaints about this book! Summary Even though this review book technically goes with a specific textbook, you can use it on its own just as easily. From all that I’ve read, this book is a solid, well-organized representation of the content and format of the current exam. Rating: 9/10 Sterling AP Biology Practice Questions: High Yield AP Biology Questions Price: $22 new Pros Includes over 1,500 high-quality practice questions that are diverse and not repetitive. The material and difficulty level aligns well with the new format of the exam (lots of molecular and cell biology questions). There are detailed answer explanations for all questions that will teach you important concepts for the exam. The book is accompanied by online resources that will give you more practice testing opportunities. Questions are divided by subject area so that if you are having trouble with a particular portion of the curriculum you can focus on that material specifically. Cons It’s a less guided studying experience than some other books- you have to be able to plan your time responsibly to get the most out of the questions and explanations. This book is pretty much just questions; it doesn’t provide an overview of the content in textbook-like form. It's not so great for students who are self-studying because you’ll want to have some background knowledge before diving into practice questions (although the answer explanations will help you). Summary If you’re in an AP Biology class and already have access to a textbook, I would definitely recommend this book as a study aid for the exam. You might buy this book along with another book on this list that has more information about test-taking strategies and overall exam format. If you use this book as a resource for practice questions, you can use another book to get a concise overview of the material on the exam to supplement your studying. This is not a stand-alone AP Biology book, but it is an awesome tool to have in your arsenal. Rating: 9/10 CliffsNotes AP Biology 5th Edition Price: $17 print, $10 digital Pros Includes sections with information on the format of the exam, test-taking strategies, and how to answer different types of questions. There are two full practice exams with answers and explanations. Includes a detailed overview of all the labs and major content areas (with review sections) at the end of each chapter to help you to retain the background information you need for the exam. The actual content is well-aligned with the new AP Biology exam (although practice materials could be better). Cons It’s relatively dense, and the amount of text might be overwhelming to some students. Many reviewers commented that the book was informative but didn’t necessarily prepare them well for the new format of the AP Biology test. Summary This book is helpful if you’re looking to clarify some of the concepts you'll learn in your AP Biology class and see a more concise summary of the information. I wouldn’t recommend relying on it completely as your only source of review material because many students felt that it didn’t give them all the tools they needed to do well on the new, less memorization-heavy AP Biology exam. If you get this book, you should also do lots of supplemental practice questions that are more aligned with the way the new exam is formatted. It’s a good baseline resource for content, though! Rating: 8/10 Barron’s AP Biology 6th Edition Price: $13 new Pros Covers all the basic information you’ll need for the exam. Practice questions will help you to memorize key facts and concepts. Diagrams are plentiful and easy to understand. The overall layout is pleasing to the eye and may be easier to read than other less well-designed review books. Cons Students complain that there is too much superfluous content and that the book is sparse on important test-taking tips. Content has not been fully updated to reflect recent changes to the AP Biology exam. Practice questions are mostly fact and memorization based and don’t fully prepare you for the analytical format of the current AP Biology test. There seems to be a consensus that the free response questions in this book are particularly bad and are not at all comparable to free response questions on the new exam. Summary This is a mediocre review book overall. You can probably use it to review the content you need to know for the test or to help you understand concepts in your AP class, but I wouldn’t recommend relying solely on the practice test materials and testing strategies in this book. Barron’s is usually pretty dependable, but it seems like this book may be a bit tedious and out of date. Rating: 6/10 Review Books to Avoid or Use Only as Supplements This section is for books that aren’t the greatest, but you might already have them or plan on buying them because you’re most familiar with their corresponding prep companies. These books can still be somewhat useful, but I would advise that you supplement them with other review books that I’ve rated higher in the previous section. I’ll go through the pros and cons of each of them so you can get a better idea of where and why they fall short. 5 Steps to a 5 AP Biology 2018 Price: $9 new Pros Guides you through the creation of a study plan that fits your needs. Covers the four â€Å"Big Ideas†in the AP curriculum and has plenty of information about the facts you’ll need to know for the test. Cons Content review is pretty dense and difficult to get through. Practice questions are very memorization-based, so they won’t prepare you very well for the new format of the AP exam. Summary This book does a good job of outlining a study plan for the test, so it might help you in structuring your prep time. Its coverage of AP Biology concepts is thorough, but it's not the easiest to study. If you get this book, you should use other sources for additional practice questions to ensure you're getting the most out of your studying (the Sterling book in the first section could be a good place to start). Rating: 5/10 Cracking the AP Biology Exam 2018 Edition (Princeton Review) Price: $17 print Pros Starts with a high-level overview of how to plan out your studying and how to use the book effectively, so it’s easy to follow. The book walks you through the process of designing a study plan for your individual needs. Extensive section on test-taking tips, including mnemonic devices that will come in handy during the exam. Text in the content review section is broken up so that it’s easy to read and not too overwhelming- diagrams are plentiful. Key terms and practice questions are provided at the end of each content chapter. Cons Information isn’t as in-depth as it should be. Main complaints were that this book is too shallow and simple for a really good review of the AP Biology curriculum. Practice questions may be less difficult compared to the real test. Not fully updated to reflect the types of questions you’ll see on the current AP Biology exam (lots of memorization-based practice questions). Summary I tend to like Princeton Review books because they’re very student-friendly and not as dry as some other review books. However, it seems like this book has some of the same issues as other review books on this list in its attempts to adapt to the new format of the AP exam. I think the main positive aspect of this book is that it gives you a strong foundation for planning out your studying and approach to the test. I’d recommend supplementing this book’s content and practice questions with another more comprehensive review book on this list. Rating: 5/10 Kaplan AP Biology 2018-2019 Price: $15 print, $16 digital Pros The book is structured around the four â€Å"Big Ideas†that are a feature of the new exam format, so its content is pretty well-aligned with the current state of AP Biology. Very detailed review of concepts with helpful diagrams. Cons Some students might not like the fact that the review questions are divided by the four â€Å"Big Ideas†in AP Biology and not by smaller chapter sections- this makes it more difficult to use the book as a focused review tool. The book is a bit long-winded, so it’s not as easy to quickly go over concepts. This book tries too hard to relate to students and writes some test-taking tips in an oblique way (i.e. one of the tips for free response questions is "Writing Smart Stuff Gets You Points"; it's simplified to the point where it doesn't even mean anything without reading the rest of the wordy explanation). Practice questions are not fully aligned with the new, more analytical exam format. Summary This book is ok as far as content goes, but it’s not that easy to use as a review tool overall. It won't help you much with the actual ins and outs of the AP test. You should supplement it with another book that gives you access to better practice questions and more concise content summaries. Rating: 4/10 Which AP Biology Book(s) Should You Get? Which Should You Avoid? I don't think there are any review books that are horrible enough for you to avoid at all costs, but there are quite a few that won't do much for you by themselves. The point of a review book is to prepare you for the AP Biology test specifically. Accurate and comprehensive biology content isn't enough. It's more important to have access to practice questions that are a faithful reflection of what will be on the test. You don't want to be in a position where you know a lot about biology but are unable to apply the facts you know to scenarios you haven't seen before when you take the test. When choosing from this list of books, you should consider your individual needs as well as the nature of the test. If you think you'll need more guidance in structuring your test prep, you might buy one of the books that gives more instruction on how to devise a study plan (even if it's in the lower-rated section, like 5 Steps to a 5). You could supplement that review book with another book from the higher-rated section that has great practice questions. Make sure your review books and textbooks cover all the important bases. This means that they should give you the tools you need to create a study plan, learn biology content, and do relevant practice questions. Reference real versions of the post-2012 AP Biology test to compare questions on the test with the practice questions you've been doing and confirm that you're on the right track! What's Next? Itching to get started with AP Bio prep right away? We cover cell theory, enzymes, cell structures (endoplasmic reticulum and cell membrane), homologous and analogous structures, and the photosynthesis equation with subject-specific guides. Are you taking AP US History in addition to AP Biology? Read our guide for more information on the best AP US History textbooks. If you're like most high-achieving students, you're probably wondering how many AP classes you really need to take to get accepted to an elite college. Check out this article to learn how many AP classes you should take based on your goals. Are you still investigating different options for earning college credit while still in high school? Learn more about the pros and cons of AP classes versus community college classes and which option might fit better with your needs. Thinking about being pre-med in college? Learn more about being pre-med and helpful books to read as a pre-med student. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Aircraft wing design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Aircraft wing design - Assignment Example Aircraft wing plays a vital role in its final operation and as such incorporates a number of fundamental design considerations. According to Kundu et al. (2003, p.241). it literally impossible for one to design an aircraft part without comprehensively understanding the role of that part in the aircraft and the fundamental theories that accompany its design. In this paper, a detailed plan for design of an aircraft wing is described on that basis, an aircraft wing model proposed. Design considerations Various design considerations are put into consideration when designing an aircraft wing. these are below:The author states that the wing span is crucial in design. Basically, this is constrained by the size of the hangar, as well as the ground facilities. However, such must be based on the structural dynamic constraints. Measures must be the put in place to minimize the induced direct drag. Consideration is also taken not to raise the wing’s structural weight in a manner that extremely increases the savings on induced drag. the area of the wing, just like is the case in selecting the span considers various aspects include the drag constraint, speed of stalling and field length, as well as the volume of fuel. despite the fact that in some instances these factors allow for creation of small wings, the size of the wing in this case is increased in order to obtain a reasonably appropriate CL on basis of the pre-defined flight conditions (Moir & Seabridge, 2007; Raymer, 2008, p. 67).
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Production and Operations Management Assignment - 2
Production and Operations Management - Assignment Example This assignment describes the corporation, that has developed its network in their most important inter-related activities, that include crude oil imports, refining, marketing and transportation to terminals. Eventually, Marathon Oil Corporation started to develop their own convenience stores and gas stations. This assignment focuses on answering 4 questions on production and operations managment. The first answer given contains information on analyzing Marathon’s Oil Corporation product process and determining which phase is open to the greatest number of efficiency improvements, that could be done. Second answers focuses on discussing the relationship between the retail price of gasoline and the world demand for crude oil. Third answer explains what Marathon Oil Corporation could do to keep the price at the pump. The last answer given in the assignment researches and describes an impact of a continued moratorium on deep-water drilling for retail gas prices in the U.S, that was established in June 2010 by President Obama. The most important function of production and operations management are also discussed in this assignment. These are managing the production process in way that reduces the lead time, minimizing the wastage of resources and ensuring continuity of operations. The assignmnet also researches chain management of US oil and gas industry, transportation terms and issues, transfering the finished products and ways to accelerate the process of crude oil transportation through pipelines.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Drinking Age Dialectic Essay Example for Free
Drinking Age Dialectic Essay Everyone should be able to go to social organizations for the community or school. Sometimes not everyone can attend though because of alcohol being served. Teens enjoy going to see their favourite bands play when they come near by. Some are held in bars which limit the people who can go. Lowering the drinking age to 18 would open up safer and monitored drinking locations for those teens. The Sask. Party should recognize that a lot of good can come out of lowering it rather then all the drinking and driving aspects of it. It is moral and ethical to consider lowering the drinking age. This is not an argument of, ‘Should 18-year-olds be drinking?’ This is an argument of, ‘Should 18-year-olds be drinking legally?’ That is the fundamentally difference. One of the highest rates of impaired driving is among younger adults because they don’t think of the consequences. Even the best crafted law can only be applied after it’s been broken. If the drinking age does go through that does not mean there will be any less accidents or anymore accidents, people are going to drink and drive whether they can legally drink or not. It is immoral and unethical to consider lowering the drinking age. Saskatchewan already has one of the highest impaired driving rates in the country. There is understandable concern about a potential increase in impaired driving. Politicians have wrestled with the appropriate drinking age for decades. With the drinking age possibly going down is raises worry with drinking and driving. This is not an argument of, ‘Should 18-year-olds be drinking?’ This is an argument of, ‘Should 18-year-olds be drinking legally?’ That is the fundamentally difference. Nathan Sgrazzutti spoke in favour of lowering the drinking age because it would improve student safety and increase the number of major events students could attend. Generally, first year students are 18 and excluded from attending many student union-organization events because they typically include alcohol. Should students be able to drink in an establishment where there are bounces to protect them and bartenders to cut them off when they’ve had too much or drink at home where they can get blackout drunk with no one around to pass out in their own vomit which is dangerous. It would be better for 18-year-olds to drink at a safe place and be able to attend more school functions that may have not of been able to before. One of the highest rates of impaired driving is among younger adults because they don’t think of the consequences. If the drinking age gets lowered the main purpose would be to ensure that people who are drinking no matter the age find a safe ride home. â€Å"Our focus regardless of the legal drinking age is make sure people aren’t drinking and driving,†said Rebecca Schultz, SGI’s manager of media relations. If today’s youth want to drink, they are going to find a way to get alcohol, check out Facebook and you will see plenty of teenagers posing in groups holding up their Red Solo cups. Teens and young adults are going to drink no matter what making sure they have a safe ride is something that does matter though. Politicians have wrestled with the appropriate drinking age for decades. Eighteen-year-olds who can’t legally drink need to only cross an imaginary line to enter a jurisdiction where it is legal for them to drink. Lowering the drinking age will likely reduce underage drinking rates since the novelty and thrill of drinking when it’s prohibited will wear off. At 18 one is considered an adult, able to vote, purchase tobacco and lottery tickets but not alcohol. If at 18 you are considered an adult you should be able to drink in all provinces not just some when all you have to do is go on a trip to go and drink legally. Saskatchewan already has one of the highest impaired driving rates in the country. Drinking and driving is most common among young people ages 18-25. According to SGI, there were 1 284 alcohol-related collisions in 2011, 59 of those involved where 18 and 66 where 19. SGI says alcohol is the No. 1 contributing factors to fatal collisions in the province. If alcohol is a big deal in fatal collisions we should start thinking about raising it not lowering the drinking age. There is understandable concern about a potential increase in impaired driving. After a record low of 46 deaths in 2005, 2006 and 2007 alcohol related fatalities have since risen. Over last Christmas and New Year, three people died and 64 were injured in alcohol related collisions. Statistics show that impaired driving charged had jumped nearly three-fold on year after the drinking age slipped to 18 years ago. If impaired driving causes so many deaths we should stricken the laws and leave the drinking age. Politicians have wrestled with the appropriate drinking age for decades. Until 1969, when it was lowered to 19, the legal drinking age in Saskatchewan was 21. 36 years ago when a majority of the Saskatchewan MLA’s in a free vote opted a to nudge up the age to which people could legally drink in the province to 19 from 18. Many of the same arguments bubble up again except this time its about lowering it from 19 to 18. Every province should have the same drinking age and stick with it instead of always changing them. What if my child could legally drink at eighteen? Making sure they had a safe ride home even if it meant calling to ask for one would be a main priority. I know they are going to drink anyways whether it is legal for them to do it or not. I would feel better knowing that they are at a bar where there are people to monitor them then at a party where people do not care. If my child is going to drink I would sooner it be legal for them to do so they are not sneaking around where no one knows where they are. What if every was able to legally drink? If everyone was able to drink places would be ciaos and full of alcoholics. You would need to stricken the drinking and driving laws to prevent collisions. It would create more jobs as the demand for alcohol would be higher. If everyone drank life would take a turn for the worse but there is also no harm in lowering it one year. With all these points the Saskatchewan Party will have to take a long hard look towards lowering the drinking age to 18. The Sask. Party government should look into how other provinces try to prevent impaired driving collisions. Drinking and driving is going to occur no matter what the legal drinking age is. Teens are finding ways to drink now and will continue to find ways if the drinking age stays the same. No one really knows the appropriate drinking age or will they ever know if nothing ever changes. Sometimes change can be for the better and people are mature enough to deal with it and other times it turns out bad but you can’t find out what will really happen by looking at statistics and predicting what is going to happen.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Psychotherapy Essay -- Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
My preferred theoretical orientation is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The main assumption of CBT is that events and situations in life do not cause emotional problems (e.g., guilt or depression); rather problems are a by-product irrational beliefs and perceptions about the situations (Corey, 2009). The goals of CBT focus on correcting the client’s automatic and self-defeating thoughts, which should ultimately help them to develop a more adaptive philosophy of life (Corey, 2009). CBT focuses on putting insight into action, so by creating insight and changing thoughts the client should be able to understand and modify their behaviors and emotions. I like that this approach focuses on challenging and changing the client’s cognitive distortions, core beliefs, automatic thoughts, and schemas. Another positive aspect is that this approach focuses on the cognitive triad, which consists of how one views the self, the world, and the future (Corey, 2009). Furthermore, CBT places responsibility on the individual to take an active role and make the changes to their thoughts and behaviors, both in and out of the therapy sessions (Corey, 2009). In order to bring about change, the client needs to understand that the primary source of difficulty lies in their belief system and how they perceive events (Kellogg & Young, 2008). CBT has manualized treatment techniques, is short-term, and teaches the client skills to change their thoughts or beliefs in the future (Kellogg &Young, 2008). CBT is open to using techniques from other approaches that fit the needs of the client, and the empirically validated techniques of CBT, when individualized for the client, work well in other approaches (Corey, 2009). Overall, CBT is a structured approach th... aspects of the disorder (Scaturo, 2001). It is rare for a client to come into therapy with only one disorder that has the outlined symptoms of the diagnosis that calls for a particular treatment. Therefore, following the manual stringently may not help the client improve, but making slight deviations depending on the client’s characteristics and circumstances may allow the technique to be successfully adapted and useful for the individual. It is also likely that clinical psychologist add their own individual preferences to therapy no matter what therapeutic approach or technique they use (Scaturo, 2001). A balance between the use of manualized treatments and clinical judgment to formulate the case conceptualization need to be used in order to gather enough information on the client to successfully use any necessary treatment techniques (Craske & Zucker, 2001). Psychotherapy Essay -- Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy My preferred theoretical orientation is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The main assumption of CBT is that events and situations in life do not cause emotional problems (e.g., guilt or depression); rather problems are a by-product irrational beliefs and perceptions about the situations (Corey, 2009). The goals of CBT focus on correcting the client’s automatic and self-defeating thoughts, which should ultimately help them to develop a more adaptive philosophy of life (Corey, 2009). CBT focuses on putting insight into action, so by creating insight and changing thoughts the client should be able to understand and modify their behaviors and emotions. I like that this approach focuses on challenging and changing the client’s cognitive distortions, core beliefs, automatic thoughts, and schemas. Another positive aspect is that this approach focuses on the cognitive triad, which consists of how one views the self, the world, and the future (Corey, 2009). Furthermore, CBT places responsibility on the individual to take an active role and make the changes to their thoughts and behaviors, both in and out of the therapy sessions (Corey, 2009). In order to bring about change, the client needs to understand that the primary source of difficulty lies in their belief system and how they perceive events (Kellogg & Young, 2008). CBT has manualized treatment techniques, is short-term, and teaches the client skills to change their thoughts or beliefs in the future (Kellogg &Young, 2008). CBT is open to using techniques from other approaches that fit the needs of the client, and the empirically validated techniques of CBT, when individualized for the client, work well in other approaches (Corey, 2009). Overall, CBT is a structured approach th... aspects of the disorder (Scaturo, 2001). It is rare for a client to come into therapy with only one disorder that has the outlined symptoms of the diagnosis that calls for a particular treatment. Therefore, following the manual stringently may not help the client improve, but making slight deviations depending on the client’s characteristics and circumstances may allow the technique to be successfully adapted and useful for the individual. It is also likely that clinical psychologist add their own individual preferences to therapy no matter what therapeutic approach or technique they use (Scaturo, 2001). A balance between the use of manualized treatments and clinical judgment to formulate the case conceptualization need to be used in order to gather enough information on the client to successfully use any necessary treatment techniques (Craske & Zucker, 2001).
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Ways to Save Energy
We live in the State of Louisiana and our electric is supplied by Enterer formally Gulf States utilities. Enterer provides electric for the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Orleans and Texas. Enterer supplies their electric to our parish from River Bend Nuclear Station in Saint Branchville, Louisiana in West Felicia Parish which Is only 17 minutes from where we are In Jackson, Louisiana. I did not have to research for the source of electric that our company use because this is where my second oldest son works.At this time Enterer is also using renewable energy such as wind and hydro also In producing some of their electric. Last year at this time our electric bill was very high but I reduced our bill this year by only using lights that are needed at that moment, by setting our A/C at 780, only using our oven on the stove as needed, and reducing the usage of our microwave, of course everything in our home is electric so that do cause some problems, some people Just walk out of a room and leave the light on or go out of the door with the air on and leave the door open.The idea of having heating oil or coal coming from Russia would put a change thin a lot of households, imagine having to pay close to $500-$600 Just for lights, there would be a big change with all people because this meaner that the amount of time that it take to use your stove for cooking would change, even the time that is spent on the internet for class or Just for fun would change and all those days from having a television on Just for noise In the background would have to end also.Electric coming from Russia would mean a reduce of usage because there would be a raise in the price of oil, gas and coal. Currently the debate that has my attention has to do with the usage of high ethanol gas. This gas supposed to be cleaner and reduce the emission from regular gas. Currently our ozone layer is steady being destroyed from pollutions that are entering the environment.Having high ethan ol gas would help to reduce this emission but then also having flex-fuel vehicles or an electric vehicle would count towards helping the environment. Explaining Chart: Electric usage for television, computer, electric stove, oven usage on two days, hot water for bathing, cordless phone going down needed recharging, A/C on for cooling the home, ceiling fan on in the living room. Solar: Came to a good usage blinds up on windows did not have to use lights as often.Gas: Two days In a row gas had to be put in our truck, husband and son job hunting and these two days were spent going out of East Felicia Parish looking for work, Gas was use going to the doctor for my monthly check-up which also made more gas added to the truck. Chart enclosed References Smith, J. Dune 26, 2011). How to Improve Your Homes Energy Efficiency Rating retrieved trot mm. ‘. Correspondence. Com on August 21, 2013 Enterer The Power of People retrieved from wry. Enterer. Com on August
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Great Gatsby, Detailed Analysis, Passage Chapter 1 (p.13-15) Essay
In this passage Nick Carraway is visiting his cousin Daisy and her husband Tom Buchanan, a former member of Nick’s social club at Yale University, on East Egg. Inside, Daisy lounges on a couch with her friend, Jordan Baker, a competitive golfer who yawns as though bored by her surroundings. As Nick enters he describes his two female companions in extreme detail. F. Scott Fitzgerald uses imagery on many occasions to aid the reader to picture the setting. He describes the women’s dresses fluttering in the wind as though they had â€Å"just been blown back in after a short flight around the house†(p.13). Fitzgerald also illustrates the women seeming to be â€Å"buoyed up..upon an anchored balloon†(p.13). He repeats the metaphor of balloons as he recounts that they seem to be â€Å"ballooning†to the ground as the wind calms. Nick, the narrator, goes on to describe his company. He does so in extreme detail. The author does this as to help us visualize Nick’s situation. The theme of white is inaugurated in this passage (â€Å"They were both in white†, p.13) emphasizing the innocence and pureness of Daisy Buchanan and Jordan Baker. Fitzgerald makes the visualization of the visitation very simple for his readers by using vivid examples (â€Å"her chin raised a little, as if she were balancing something on her chin†, p.14). He makes her appear almost statuesque. Jordan is portrayed as having a bored and apathetic attitude about everything, which is all part of her â€Å"I am too good for you†appearance. Jordan Baker seems to be ignoring Nick upon his entry (â€Å"If she saw me†¦she gave no hint of it-â€Å", p.14). This looks as though Jordan is playing hard to get. The mind games could be seen to be conveying that she is attracted to Nick. The narration stops and we hear Daisy’s voice for the first time (â€Å"I’m p-paralyzed with happiness†, p.14). Nick mentions her lightheartedness Daisy Buchanan’s illustration is very descriptive. She seems to have taken a greater deal of interest in Nick although there does appear to be a hint of awkwardness in the room, possibly due to the fact that the two have not seen each other in a lengthy period of time. She is not labeled beautiful, the reader does however get an inkling that she is, as there seems to be a sort of aura surrounding her (â€Å"That was a way she had.†p.14). The narrator tells the reader a little bit about himself and how he is not used to the posh lifestyle of the people of East Egg (â€Å"..any exhibition of complete self-sufficiency draws a stunned tribute from me†, p.14). This could mean that Nick is used to a more family orientated lifestyle were friends and family supported and trusted one another more. As the conversation between Daisy and Nick continues, Scott Fitzgerald decides to go into even more detail about Daisy. He catalogs her speech in extreme detail (â€Å" her low thrilling voice†¦the kind of voice that the ear follows up and down†¦as if each speech is an arrangement of notes.†, p.14). Nick does not only comment on Daisy’s voice but also her general appearance, her face, her eyes and even her mouth. The narrator’s portrayal of Daisy leads the reader to believe that she is a person of great beauty. A lady with whom one could easily fall in love with. Nick is almost obsessional about his cousin, Nick not being the only one in the course of the book. F. Scott Fitzgerald really triumphs in his use of language. His language is full of concrete verbal images which are incredibly appealing to the senses. Furthermore his descriptions of setting, characters and symbolism are in such sheer detail, it is impossible for the reader not to begin imagining what it, she, he or they must have looked or even sounded like. This passage introduces us to two of the novel’s major characters, Daisy and Jordan. It it also the first time we get a real taster of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s descriptive abilities.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Oceanography Chapter 7 Essays
Oceanography Chapter 7 Essays Oceanography Chapter 7 Paper Oceanography Chapter 7 Paper An indirect method of measuring ocean current is the use of __________. radar altimeters A large system of rotating ocean currents, usually driven by the major wind belts, is called a(n) gyre The current in the northwestern part of the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre that transports warm water toward the North Atlantic is called the Gulf Stream The loss of heat from the ocean surface, resulting in a lowered temperature, causes ocean water to become denser A deep and powerful southward subsurface current that flows under the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic is the North Atlantic Deep Water Thermohaline circulation in the ocean is driven primarily by differences in __________ and __________ among water masses. temperature; salinity To produce a surface current of 1.6 knots in the open ocean, a steady wind of _____ knots would be required. 80 The actual movement of surface water due to Ekman transport in the Northern Hemisphere is about __________. 45 degrees to the right of the wind direction Of the following statements about subtropical gyres, which is/are true? The western boundary current of all subtropical gyres is intensified (it is fast, narrow, and deep).Globally, there are five subtropical gyres.There are four main surface currents in each subtropical gyreThe centers of all subtropical gyres are associated with high atmospheric pressure.The rotation of each subtropical gyre causes a hill of water to pile up within it. Of the following gyres, which one(s) flow in a counterclockwise direction? Indian Ocean Subtropical Gyre, Northern Hemisphere Subpolar Gyres, South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre, South Pacific Subtropical Gyre Of the following surface currents, which one(s) flow from south to north? Peru Current Kuroshio Current the Gulf Stream Of the following surface currents, which one(s) flow generally from west to east? West Wind Drift, Equatorial Counter Current, North Pacific Current The West Wind Drift (Antarctic Circumpolar Current) is a part of which of the following subtropical gyres? South Pacific Subtropical Gyre Indian Ocean Subtropical Gyre South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre Of the following statements about Ekman spiral and Ekman transport, which is/are true? -within the ekman spiral, deeper water can move in a direction exactly opposite of the wind direction -The two factors that affect the ekman spiral are the wind direction and the Coriolis effect-because of the coriolis effect, surface waters move at an angle to the wind direction-connecting the arrows of water movement from the surface into deeper waters shows the spiral pattern-ekman transport is to the right of the wind direction in the northern hemisphere Of the following currents, which ones are parts of the South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre? Benguela Current West Wind Drift South Equatorial Current Brazil Current Downwelling can result from converging surface currents Of the following locations, where would upwelling be expected to occur? -where there is a sharp bend in a coastline-where there is a shallowly submerged sea floor obstruction, such as a tablemount-in areas of diverging surface currents,such as along the equator-in areas of offshore winds The thermocline is _________________. a steep temperature gradient in the ocean that separates deeper cold water from warmer upper water What is the Walker Circulation Cell? It is the path that air takes as it moves from high to low pressure, and back to high pressure, in the South Pacific under normal conditions. Why does upwelling occur along the west coast of South America under normal conditions? Winds moving westward in the South Pacific drive ocean currents toward the west; deep water rises to replace water driven westward. What would you expect weather to be like on the eastern coast of Australia if the western coast of South America were experiencing unusually warm, wet weather? What would you expect weather to be like on the eastern coast of Australia if the western coast of South America were experiencing unusually warm, wet weather?The eastern coast of Australia would be experiencing unusually dry weather.The eastern coast of Australia would be experiencing unusually wet weather.The eastern coast of Australia would be experiencing unusually cool weather.The eastern coast of Australia would be experiencing unusually warm weather. The eastern coast of Australia would be experiencing unusually dry weather. Which direction do ocean currents in the South Pacific move under El Nino conditions? Eastward What is the Southern Oscillation? What is the Southern Oscillation? Under which conditions are droughts and wildfires common in Australia? under El Nino conditions What is the overall effect of the stronger than normal trade winds typical of La Nina conditions? lowering of the South Pacific ocean temperature from normal conditions One of the world’s most powerful currents, located off the east coast of the United States, is the Gulf Stream The Gulf Stream transports warm water into the North Atlantic Fluctuations in the flow of the Gulf Stream current result in curving loops of water known as meanders Ocean frontal systems that spin off from currents such as the Gulf Stream, akin to atmospheric storms, are known as eddies When a meander from the Gulf Stream pinches off into the warm water south of the current, the eddy is called a cold-core eddy or ring The largest of the great ocean surface currents is the West Wind Drift Warm core rings and cold core rings are associated with western boundary currents Indian Ocean currents that are generated by seasonal changes in weather patterns are the __________ and __________ Currents. Somali/Southwest Monsoon During a strong El Nino event, the news media might be expected to cover a tropical cyclone in Hawaii or Tahiti Of the following conditions, which is/are related to strong El Nino events? -increase in sea surface temp. and destruction of coral reefs in the eastern pacific ocean-higher sea levels in the eastern pacific ocean associated with warmer water-increased abundance of hurricanes in the eastern pacific ocean Deep ocean current movement is also known as thermohaline flow Records indicate that the ocean is warming faster in the Arctic polar regions than elsewhere. If that continues, a possible consequence could be slowing of deep ocean circulation, resulting in lower oxygen levels in deep water Of the following statements about deep-ocean currents, which is/are true? -Deep-ocean currents contain water that is high in oxygen. -Deep-ocean circulation is often referred to as thermohaline flow. -The volume of water involved in the downward movement of deep-ocean currents is equal to the flow of 100 Amazon-sized rivers. -Deep-ocean currents are important regulators of global climate.-Deep-ocean currents are initiated by downwelling of cold, dense water near Antarctica and in the North Atlantic Ocean. (deep ocean currents often travel faster than surface currents) The coastlines with the greatest tsunami hazard are most commonly associated with what type of plate boundary? convergent Which of the following statements about earthquakes and tsunami hazards is most accurate? A relatively high number of earthquakes and the greatest tsunami hazard occur along the western coast of South America. Which of the following statements is most accurate about tsunami hazards and the number of people at risk? A low tsunami hazard and a high number of people at risk are present along the coast of the eastern United States. Which body of water is shown to have the greatest amount of coastal pollution? Baltic Sea Surface ocean currents ___. form large rotating gyres in the major ocean basinsare driven by windsare influenced by Coriolis effect Equatorial currents that are part of the subtropical gyres flow ___. Equatorial counter currents between the gyres flow ___ . east-to-west; west-to-east Warm ocean currents ___. are warming than the surrounding water Cool ocean currents ___. generally flow from high latitudes towards the equator The subtropical gyres ___. play a large role in climate Deep ocean currents ___. Deep ocean currents ___.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Defining and Implementing Interfaces in Delphi
Defining and Implementing Interfaces in Delphi In Delphi, interface has two distinct meanings. In OOP jargon, you can think of an interface as a class with no implementation. In Delphi unit definition interface section is used to declare any public sections of code that appear in a unit. This article will explain interfaces from an OOP perspective. If you are up to creating a rock-solid application in a way that your code is maintainable, reusable, and flexible the OOP nature of Delphi will help you drive the first 70% of your route. Defining interfaces and implementing them will help with the remaining 30%. Abstract Classes You can think of an interface as an abstract class with all the implementation stripped out and everything that is not public removed. An abstract class in Delphi is a class that cannot be instantiated- you cannot create an object from a class marked as abstract. Lets take a look at an example interface declaration: typeIConfigChanged interface[{0D57624C-CDDE-458B-A36C-436AE465B477}]procedure ApplyConfigChange;end; The IConfigChanged is an interface. An interface is defined much like a class, the keyword interface is used instead of class. The Guid value that follows the interface keyword is used by the compiler to uniquely identify the interface. To generate a new GUID value, just press CtrlShiftG in the Delphi IDE. Each interface you define needs a unique Guid value. An interface in OOP defines an abstraction- a template for an actual class that will implement the interface- that will implement the methods defined by the interface. An interface does not actually do anything, it only has a signature for interaction with other (implementing) classes or interfaces. The implementation of the methods (functions, procedures, and property Get/Set methods) is done in the class that implements the interface. In the interface definition, there are no scope sections (private, public, published, etc.) everything is public. An interface type can define functions, procedures (that will eventually become methods of the class that implements the interface) and properties. When an interface defines a property it must define the get/set methods - interfaces cannot define variables. As with classes, an interface can inherit from other interfaces. typeIConfigChangedMore interface(IConfigChanged)procedure ApplyMoreChanges;end; Programming Most Delphi developers when they think of interfaces they think of COM programming. However, interfaces are just an OOP feature of the language- they are not tied to COM specifically. Interfaces can be defined and implemented in a Delphi application without touching COM at all. Implementation To implement an interface you need to add the name of the interface to the class statement, as in: typeTMainForm class(TForm, IConfigChanged)publicprocedure ApplyConfigChange;end; In the above code a Delphi form named MainForm implements the IConfigChanged interface. Warning: when a class implements an interface it must implement all its methods and properties. If you fail/forget to implement a method (for example: ApplyConfigChange) a compile time error E2003 Undeclared identifier: ApplyConfigChange will occur.Warning: if you try to specify the interface without the GUID value you will receive: E2086 Type IConfigChanged is not yet completely defined. Example Consider an MDI application where several forms can be displayed to the user at one time. When the user changes the application configuration, most forms need to update their display- show/hide some buttons, update label captions, etc. You would need a simple way to notify all open forms that a change in the application configuration has happened. The ideal tool for the job was an interface. Every form that needs to be updated when the configuration changes will implement IConfigChanged. Since the configuration screen in displayed modally, when it closes the next code ensures all IConfigChanged implementing forms are notified and ApplyConfigChange is called: procedure DoConfigChange() ;varcnt : integer;icc : IConfigChanged;beginfor cnt : 0 to -1 Screen.FormCount dobeginif Supports(Screen.Forms[cnt], IConfigChanged, icc) thenicc.ApplyConfigChange;end;end; The Supports function (defined in Sysutils.pas) indicates whether a given object or interface supports a specified interface. The code iterates through the Screen.Forms collection (of the TScreen object)- all the forms currently displayed in the application. If a form Screen.Forms[cnt] supports the interface, Supports returns the interface for the last parameter parameter and returns true. Therefore, if the form implements the IConfigChanged, the icc variable can be used to call the methods of the interface as implemented by the form. Note, of course, that every form can have its own different implementation of the ApplyConfigChange procedure. Ancestors Any class you define in Delphi needs to have an ancestor. TObject is the ultimate ancestor of all objects and components. The above idea applies to interfaces also, the IInterface is the base class for all interfaces. IInterface defines 3 methods: QueryInterface, _AddRef and _Release. This means that our IConfigChanged also has those 3 methods, but we have not implemented those. This is because TForm inherits from TComponent that already implements the IInterface for you! When you want to implement an interface in a class that inherits from TObject, make sure your class inherits from TInterfacedObject instead. Since TInterfacedObject is a TObject implementing IInterface. For example: TMyClass class(TInterfacedObject, IConfigChanged)procedure ApplyConfigChange;end; In conclusion, IUnknown IInterface. IUnknown is for COM.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Managing people for a competitive advantage Assignment
Managing people for a competitive advantage - Assignment Example 2. The role of the first line supervisor or manager in an organization is based on the concept of supervision. The main duties are defined by overlooking the employees that are working in specific teams as well as with different projects. However, the role of the first line manager continues with specific concepts of leadership and teamwork. For a manager to be completely effective there has to be insight into what is occurring within an organization. From this point, there is the need to establish insight that allows the first line manager to connect to different employees and establish relationships while guiding the individuals forward with the projects that are occurring. The management can then combine this with coordination, team building and guidance that enhance the business and allow employees to have a specific environment (Hales, 471). 3. The individuals responsible for ensuring HR policies and practices in an organization begin with the leaders and managers in the organiz ation. The higher level management is responsible for understanding what the vision is of the organization as well as how different human resources in the organization can be used. ... This has to be done not only for the managers that have to take a leadership position but also consists of providing information to employees. The more in which the information can be given, the easier it is for the organization to enhance their performance (Roehling et al, 207). 4. Every individual is responsible for performance in the organization. The individual employees are first responsible for their own performance, specifically by understanding the vision and mission of the organization as well as how their job is defined by these details. As an employee understands the requirements for the organization that they work for, they will be able to become a human asset within the organization. However, for this to work, managers and leaders that are responsible for employees and teams are required to communicate the responsibilities of the individual. This is dependent on the expectations of the organization as well as the understanding of specific duties. The managers have the re sponsibility of taking a leadership role and of creating the correct organizational environment for the employees. The responsibility is furthered by the different departments, such as the HR department. The HR is responsible for creating the policies and conditions that create a sense of responsibility among employees and managers. Without communicating the correct message, there is the inability to get the correct response from those in the departments. This is furthered by the top managers in the organization, which are required to communicate the specific messages of the business. Understanding where the business is supposed to go, the vision and mission of the organization and the responsibilities of the departments and
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Necklace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
The Necklace - Essay Example fter you brought it, my neighbor, Madame Angel, also asked for the necklace, but oh, her poor child lost the necklace, I don’t have it anymore.†Mathilde held an immediate grudge with herself; she was lost for words, talked with her eyes and nodes more than the mouth. She blamed herself for deceiving herself with quite unreal life, but remembered now it has been ten years, â€Å"what is done is done, be it a punishment or a lesson, I have learnt it the hard way.†Said Mathilde. At home, Mathilde battled with the thoughts of either telling her husband the truth or not, ultimately she felt she had lived with so much deception and desired for a new life. She told the husband her encounter with Madame Forestier, the value of the original necklace and how ashamed she was of herself. Yearning for a new truthful life after ten years, she decided to open the box where she kept the four hundred franc dress, wear it in this time of disappointment as a means of being honest with herself. From a dusty box, she lifted the dress, wondering if it would fit, carefully, touching through the lining, she thought she felt something. And again, she touched, a hole in the lining of the dress, between the outer material of the dress and the lining†¦holy God! She shouted†¦her husband came in a hurry. Holding in her hand, Mathilde retrieved the necklace. Ten years, her husband said, and now this necklace shall revive them. They looked at each other and laughed, wept may be, but Mathilde believed she had
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
How the Rising Cost of Fuel Has Affected Air Travel Research Paper
How the Rising Cost of Fuel Has Affected Air Travel - Research Paper Example This is in the form of efficiency, cutting costs and passing on the costs to travellers. Introduction The rising cost of fuel prices has significant effects on the air travel industry in multiple ways affecting airlines, travellers and other allied sectors. In most ways, the industry has experienced numerous negative impacts as compared to positive impacts. This is to the extent of having some airlines pulling out of certain markets altogether or even quitting the industry altogether. This paper seeks to discuss the impacts of high fuel costs on air travel and its effects to the industry. Recent studies in the airline industry have seen the cost of fuel rise as a result of trends in the world oil prices. As a result, airlines have experienced increased operating costs due to issues of efficiency in fuel consumption and environmental taxes, as well as caps. This way, airlines have sustained increased costs of operation that have affected air travel significantly in regard to the aircr aft acquired and expansion programmes (Cranfield University, n.d). In regard to the acquisition of new aircraft to be used in air travel, the high fuel costs have resulted in improved fuel efficiency. This is in the form of having airplanes with fuel-efficient engines that bring down the amount consumed over a given distance (Cranfield University, n.d). ... Moreover, another field affected in air travel, in reference to the increase in fuel prices, is the expansion of long haul and decline of short haul services (Cranfield University, n.d.). This is following frequent upgrade to aircrafts that have better fuel efficiency as compared to older fleets. Due to the high costs of fuel, the industry is able to adapt accordingly to bring down the costs of operation; and keep up with the ever-rising fuel prices and allowing air travel to cover greater distances with more capacity, and with lesser fuel consumption. Thus, due to high fuel prices, airlines have opted to focus on revenue management strategies to cut all costs of operation. In this case, the high fuel costs have been placed on the traveller to shoulder the burden, in the fare; they pay for the usage of air transport. However, some, instead of passing the cost of fuel directly on to the passengers, they have chosen to have value added services that are optional for the traveller (US B ureau of Labour Statistics, 2012). The services could be in the form of meals offered on board and are gladly accepted and paid for accordingly. In addition, services and costs that cater for fuel are in the form of the service that the passenger would like, such as flying business or economy class and all fees charged for reservation and cancellation of tickets (US Bureau of Labour Statistics, 2012). Thus, the cost of travel has gone high as a result of the levies that are passed on to the traveller. Still on high fares, travellers have, in recent times following high fuel prices, had to pay more for the cost of their luggage. This contributes to the overall cost of travelling by air through charges for hand luggage, overweight luggage and oversize baggage. In
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Food and Dining in South India
Food and Dining in South India Indian Cuisine The cuisine of India is characterized by use of various spices,herbs and other vegetables grown in India we have widespread practice of vegetarianism across different section of society. Each society of Indian cuisine is characterized by a wide variety of dishes and cooking techniques. As a result, cuisine varies from region to region across Indian subcontinent. Indias religious beliefs and culture has made an influential role in the evolution of different cuisine. However, the spice trade between India and Europe is the main catalyst for Europes Age of Discovery. 4 The colonial period has introduced the European cooking styles to India which added the flexibility and diversity of Indian cuisine.5,6Indian cuisine has had a major impact on cuisines across the world, mainly those from Southeast Asia.7,8 Indian foods is the long standing vegetarianism across sections of Indias Hindu, Buddhist and Jain communities. People who follow strict vegetarian make up 20-42% of the population in India, while less than 30% are of regular meat-eaters.9,10,11 South Indian food is categorized into six tastes sweet, sour, salt, bitter, pungent and astringent and traditional Tamil cuisine society recommends that you should always include all of these six tastes in each of the main meal you eat. All the six taste has a balancing ability and including some of each taste provides complete nutrition, minimizes cravings and also balances the appetite and digestion. Sweet such as Milk, butter, sweet cream, wheat, ghee (clarified butter), rice, honey. Sour such as Limes and lemons, citrus fruits, yogurt, mango, tamarind. Salty such as Salt or pickles. Bitter such as Bitter gourd, greens of many kinds, turmeric. Pungent such as Chili peppers, ginger, black pepper, clove, mustard. Astringent such as Beans, lentils, turmeric, vegetables like cauliflower and cabbage. South Indian Breakfast InSouthIndia, the breakfast consist of main dishes, such asidlis,vadas,dosas,uppuma, savorypongal, andchapatis. These are served with hotsambar, kurma ,vadacurryand at least one kind ofchutneyare the common items inTamilnadu. All the breakfast accompanied with a tumbler of filter coffee. South Indian Lunch/Dinner An everyday Tamil meal will have at least three to four courses, with rice serving as the staple. The food usually starts with the traditional paruppu andghee, this mix is eaten with rice which serves as an appetizer. Next to follow would be a kuzhambuorsambhar , which is mixed with rice, this is usually the main course. On leisure or festive days, we have at least two such main courses with one Kuzhambu in which there are many varity such as Puli Kuzhambu, Vatha Kuzhambu, currykuzhambuvariety and one Sambhar variety. Third to follow will be theRasam in which there are many varity such as paruppu rasam,tomatto rasam, nandu rasam they are mixed with rice, one usually eats this with crisps. The last of the courses will be rice with curd or yoghurt; this is usually taken withdifferent pickles such as mangopickle ,pundupickle,tomattopickel,erapickel,muttonpickel. With all the courses side dish is served throughout the meal, depending upon ones taste or choice,side dishes are constantly r epeated during any meal. As a last course, desserts are served. Finally guests moves to the living room which conclude the meal with banana and freshly madepaanconsist of betel leaves, betel nuts and lime. paan is considered as a digestive aid after long lunch. Typical Marrage food of Tamil cuisine groups dishes under four slightly overlapping categories. First the rice is served with various Kuzhambu,Sambhar,Paruppu,Rasam,Thayir,Kadaiyals. The second are the side dishes that accompany rice mixture such asKootu,Kari,Poriyal,Pickles,Papadsfall into this category.Thirs is the short snacks -vadai,chips,bonda,bajji,soups, variouschutneys,thayir pachadiand the likes belong to this category. The fourth category is rich sweet dishes that serve as desserts-Payasam,Kheer,Kesariand a plethora of Indian sweets belong to this category. Typical South Indian meal (Lunch or Dinner) will be served on a banana leaf. South Indian Desserts Indian desserts are unique very tempting and mouth watering. Whether Its summer or a winter ,South indian mithai is always too difficult for anyone to resist. A full traditional South Indian Meal is always incomplete without sweet dish like gulab jamun or kulfi or halwa. Below are some of the most famous recipes to tantalize your tongue. Badam Ka Halwa,Badam Kheer,Besan Burfi,Besan Laddo,Boondi Ka Laddoo,Coconut Burfi,Fruit Kheer ,Gulab Jamun, Jalebi ,Puran Poli , Rasmalai and many more. South Indian Drinks Coffeeis the most popularbeverage in South india. Coffee is a major social institution in Southern Indian Tamil tradition one can say a normal south Indian cannot live without drinking atleast one coffee a day. One of the Tamil traditional coffee is Chennai Filter Coffee and is unique in this part of the world. In South India people generally use gourmet coffee beans of the premiumPeaberryor the less expensive Arabica variety. The making of unique filter coffee is first the coffee beans are roasted and then powdered. Sometimes traditional people add chicory to enhance the aroma. They then use a filter set to separate the coffee powder dust, few spoons of powdered coffee, enough boiling water is added to prepare a very dark liquid which is called the decoction. A 3/4 mug of hot milk is added with sugar, a small quantity(depends of the people taste) of decoction is then served in Dabarah/Tumbler set which is a unique Coffee cup. Another popular beverage is strongly brewedteawhich is found in the thousands of smalltea stallsacross thestate of Tamil Naduand adjoining areas. Etiquette of Indian Dining As like in many cultures, eating and drinking are very important and widely respected across Indian culture, local customs, traditions, and religions. Etiquette varies in different cultures across India, in this paper we can consider the etiquette of Traditional South Indian culture. Use Of Cutlery Though Indian cooking uses variety of specialized utensils for various purposes, South Indians do not usecutleryfor eating , as many foods such as Indianbreadsandnon vegetarian curry are best enjoyed when eating with the hand. The traditional reason of eating with hands is: Food is divine and needs to be enjoyed with feel of touch, smell and taste. There is no joy in using a knife and fork to eat while eating. Eating with ones hands is a art that can be quite clean when it is done correctly, but may require a bit of practice. First, the hands must be washed properly, with particular attention paid to the fingernails. Traditionally having long fingernails in India is considered unhygienic. Using the fingers, the food should be scooped easily onto the flatbread such naan,roti, etc and quickly brought to the mouth. It is considered bad manner to let your food stain outside of your fingers or palm while eating and food should be eaten only with the tip of the fingers, though it is okay to use more of your hand. The plate is not to be touched and held by the left hand while eating. Not all the foods should be eaten with the hands, however. If the food is soupy, such asdaals, spoons should be used 13.Additionally, foods such asricemay be eaten with spoons , in case of formal occasions as in a restaurant or in a buffet where food is not served on banana leaf. Traditional South Indian cutlery does not recognize the use of forks and knives while eating, limiting their use to the kitchen only. Spoons were used to eat rice in formal situation. Additionally, spoons are usually too used in a clasping motion and forks are commonly used to distribute foods from a communal dish, as it is considered very rude to touch the foods of others. Adapted cutlery use in India Amongst the upper class Indians, cutlery which has been adopted since Roman influence in the late 16th centuryis now in common use, the Romans exports of pepper lead to the introduction of cutlery in India. Amongst the upper class communities spoons and forks have been adopted from roman. Etiquette of hands The important rule of dining is to always use the right hand when eating or receiving food and never the left hand. The left hand is mostly considered as unclean, so it is advisable to use the left hand for cutlery to take food from the dish onto your plate. In rare occasion the use of the left hand is acceptable when eating onions and some other accompaniments. Only in some communities, it is now acceptable for left-handed individuals to eat with their left hands. Beef and Pork As Hindus in South India consider the cattle to be a sacred animal and beefis considered as taboo. Muslims consider thepigas uncleanand they do not eatpork, which is not generally used in Hindu cooking. Other Etiquette In formal situation, it is expected that everyone will wait for the host or the eldest person in which, the elder taking priority over the host to begin eating before everyone else starts. It is compulsory to wash their hands before sitting at the table as some South Indian foods are eaten by hand. It is not necessary to taste each and every dish prepared while eating, but you must finish everything served on the plate as it is considered a respect for served food. Echal (in Tamil Nadu), echil is a common belief in India. Echal is essentially, something which has come in contact with your mouth, your saliva or your plate while eating, something which is directly or indirectly came in contact with your saliva. It is considered as extremely rude and unhygienic to offer someone your Echal. However, not uncommon for spouses, or extremely close friends or family, to offer each other their Echal, and it is not considered as disrespectful under such circumstances. In fact, in some cases sharing Echal may be considered as a sign of closeness 13. As most of the South Indian foods are eaten with their hands, it is important to make sure that ones drinking glass should not become messy because it feels others uncomfortable. It is impolite to leave the table until others have finished or the host requests you. South Indian meals are served on a banana leaf so it must be cleaned with warm water. Vegetables must be placed on the top half of the leaf, and rice, sweets, and snacks on the other half of the leaf. The banana leaf should not be left open after completing the meal. It should be folded in such a way that the top half closes over the bottom half of the leaf. If the bottom half is folded over the top of the leaf, it is usually considered disrespectful, as this is done only in solemn situations in which one hopes it will not occur again, such as a death. References Steward, the (pb) By Dias. Retrieved 2009-06-23. Chandra, Sanjeev; Smita Chandra (Feb 07, 2008). The story of desi cuisine: Timeless desi dishes.The Toronto Star. Indian food Indian Cuisine -its history, origins and influences. Retrieved 2009-06-23. Louise Marie M. Cornillez (Spring 1999). The History of the Spice Trade in India. Foreign Influences in Modern Indian Cooking. 1998-01-20. Retrieved 2009-06-23. History of Indian Food and Cooking. Retrieved 2009-06-23. Bot generated title ->. Veg Voyages
Friday, October 25, 2019
Thomas Hardys Tess Of The Durbervilles Essay -- Thomas Hardy Tess Dur
Thomas Hardy's Tess Of The Durbervilles In this essay I will contrast and explain the description of Flintcomb Ash and Tolbothays Dairy. These two places are very important, because each place shows an important time in Tess' life. Hardy uses Tolbothays Dairy to represent the love and happiness she found and the chance for a new beginning after what happened with Alec. Alec raped her, he saw her as an object of desire. He took away her innocence. This was replaced with the burden of a child that dies. At this time, having a child out of wedlock was a form of public shame. In comparison, Flintcomb ash is where she was unhappy and shows us the audience a time of hard ship. Tess goes to Tolbothays because she cannot face any one in her own town, this is because Alec raped her. Then her baby dies her mother might have been partly to blame for the rape because she dressed her as an object of desire, because of all this happening Tess leaves and goes to Tolbothays Dairy there she hopes to start over again. Flintcomb Ash is a farm, She is forced to find work as a result of her husband (Angle) leaving her and going to Brazil. When Tess arrives at Talbothays she is feeling that there is great optimism and hope for the future. She has now recovered from her recent tragic experiences and feels stronger and healed. "Her hopes mingled with the Sunshine." This shows that she is happy and the colour yellow from the sun represents this. Hardy uses pathetic fallacy to represent the season and the greatness of the place in the narrate. It shows images of fertilely, a new start and a new life for Tess, this is a happy time for Tess. When Tess is at Tolbothays it is in the month of May, "thyme scented bird hatching mor... ...lec's appearance at the farm to represent this as she was also at a low point on her first meeting with Alec. In conclusion, Hardy has made these two different place (Talbothays and Flintcomb - Ash) very important parts in his novel because together with the use of colour, similes, metaphors, personification, pathetic fallacy and Hardy's good use of description, it helps us to create two different parts in Tess' life. One of which was full of love with Angle, happiness and sunny days spent at Talbothays. But in total opposite to this she also spent an equally important part of her life at Flintcomb - Ash. Where she felt nothing but pain and suffering in the long cold hard months she spent there, to give an image of her break up with Angel and the thought that she may be left with a future of suffering compared with what she could have had at Talbothays.
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