Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Analysis of the most important external environmental factors
Presentation There are detailed standards founded for the reasons for guaranteeing fascination and maintenance of customers inside wellness industry. This can be drawn from the idea of world-class current offices required. The issues encompassing maintenance and fascination of customers stay perhaps the most worry inside the business. This has prompted increment in rivalry among littler organizations inside the business subsequently making activities progressively confounded (Mintzberg et al., 2003).Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Analysis of the most significant outside natural factors explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More External ecological factors inside Town Sports Inc International There is sufficient proof to demonstrate that not at all like most other significant contenders inside the market, Town Sports centers around building current accreditations and notoriety dependent on great assistance arrangement among top of the line and low-end shoppers. Probably the most significant outer components influencing Town Sports incorporate area and openness. Most shoppers pick their scene for wellness dependent on these two variables. Simultaneously, money related and time duty are important contemplations just as providing food for those having tight work routines and incapable to drive to the company’s wellness focuses. Now and again clients feel crippled with regards to covering significant distances for the motivations behind arriving at wellness focuses. Different elements considered included empowering representatives by offering corporate agreements at limited inside office premises (Town Sports International, 2012). The idea of customer request inside certain zones has likewise contributed towards the development of Town Sports Inc. This is since increment sought after implies presence of potential objective market and increment in physical wellbeing and wellness mindfulness. Organization of the objective popul ace as far as age has likewise affected the company’s execution. Town Sports essentially serves young people and grown-ups, with the larger part age being between 15 to 50 years. Uncovering this gathering of individuals to wellbeing cognizance through physical activities causes them to stay fit even in mature age. The idea of administrations offered inside the premises has additionally decided the level of participation. This is since administrations are coordinated towards explicit age range, for example, Yoga classes for seniors and proper classes for young people and adolescents (Mintzberg et al., 2003). The organization has thought about social patterns, through making of national mindfulness battles concerning significance on physical wellness. There have been expanded media crusades just as instructive projects for the motivations behind making mindfulness. Cost of enrollment is looked into as often as possible since it gives major hindrance towards benefit inside the b usiness. Different age bunches are offered moderate costs as per their capacities (Mintzberg et al., 2003). Investigation of most significant inside qualities and shortcomings Strengths Success of Town Sports Inc relies upon its capacity to offer tenable corporate culture and capacity to execute imaginative advertising standards. The sort of initiative inside Town Sports centers around furnishing shoppers with new types of gear at moderate costs.Advertising Looking for article on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Such sort of administration procedures are viewed as necessary during the time spent building up acknowledged culture inside the corporate network. The administration takes part in much inventiveness, particularly through presentation of mechanically demonstrated fundamental offices. Such fundamental offices furnish clients with wanted accommodation and proficiency (Town Sports Internation al, 2012). The executives centers around finding effective business perspectives fit for withstanding any troublesome occasions inside the business. This isn't really conversely with different business endeavors since numerous practices inside specific parts are comparative over the business. There are likewise other key focuses including advancement and improvement of numerous extraordinary strategic approaches by the organization’s the executives. In issues of separation, Town Sports Inc works various clubs inside populated districts making it simpler for the organization to serve focused on client bases. The company’s activity of near one hundred and forty clubs proportional to control of in any event 2% of the market (Town Sports International, 2012). Shortcoming There is absence of client faithfulness to Town Sport brand which makes it free extensive number of clients. Buyers are essentially at opportunity to pick wellness club of their decision since there are no predominant organizations inside the business. Town spot wellness offices are just focused toward the east coast implying that an enormous populace inside different districts are as yet denied of their administrations. Town Sport Inc applies the utilization of cost administration technique which normally centers around satisfying shopper needs through proficient administrations at moderate costs. There is center around fulfilling customer’s fundamental wellness needs and furthermore minimization of expenses by offering comparable administrations in all focuses. The organization uses accessible broad information on the supervisory group just as creative advertising techniques to profit by extension (Town Sports International, 2012). Town Sports Inc serious position and conceivable outcomes Based on Porter’s five powers, there is developing enthusiasm inside the business inferable from low obstructions to passage. This has made danger of new participants to be high insi de the business. Simultaneously there is low exchanging of costs dependent on the way that, buyers pick favored wellness fixates dependent on openness and not brand name. Absence of exacting government guidelines and furthermore absence of predominant focuses has prompted increment in the quantity of new participants. This at last clarifies presence of low hindrances to section with the main boundary being high nature of starting capital venture required for opening new office (Barney, 2007).Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Analysis of the most significant outer ecological factors explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Bargaining intensity of providers appears to be low since the business requires commitments from not many providers. The main distinctive factor the organization relies upon its capacity to offer new gear dependent on improved innovation. This is on the grounds that there is likeness in sort of administrations offered by all orga nizations included. In any case, providers may have impact in offering mechanically improved supplies since there is tremendous number of providers inside the market making rivalry solid among providers henceforth equipment’s low costs. This makes Town Sport Inc and different organizations inside the business depend such a great amount on enrollment income because of high bartering intensity of purchasers. Low costs required inside the business has made it simpler at purchasers to control costs provoking the organization to bring down costs for the reasons for staying serious through increment in number of clients. This presents perhaps the greatest test since low costs advantage purchasers however diminishes industry income returns. The organization faces high danger of substitutes dependent on high nearness of other recreational exercises. Open air exercises have stayed well known and a portion of the exercises are less expensive contrasted with rec center memberships. Be t hat as it may, such exercises can on occasion be influenced by climate introducing a preferred position to gym offices. The other substitute incorporates locally established exercise supplies found among higher-pay purchasers with constrained available time (Barney, 2007). End Town Sports Inc systems for the most part target increment in number of clients, and improvement of their steadfastness to the offices and services.â The organization’s fundamental errand includes maintenance of faithful clients inside locales served and past. This guarantees reliable increment in piece of the pie for different administrations provided.â Managing the errand of catching consideration of potential customers guarantees that the wellness organization gets positive outcomes. References Town Sports International. (2012). Organization Overview. Recovered from, J., B. (2007). Picking up and supporting upper hand. (third ed.). Pearson Prentice Hall: Upper Sadd le RiverAdvertising Searching for paper on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Mintzberg, H., Ghoshal, S., Lampel, J., Quinn, J. B. (2003). The system process: Concepts, settings, cases.(4th ed.). Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River This exposition on Analysis of the most significant outside natural variables was composed and presented by client Markus Gilbert to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for exploration and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it appropriately. You can give your paper here.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Should you accept a counteroffer or leave your job
Should you acknowledge a counteroffer or find employment elsewhere In this way, you’re going to deliver your acquiescence letter to your (prospective ex) chief. You’ve done all the reasoning you have to do about your leave, isn't that so? Not actually. At the point when you pull out, one of two things will probably occur: your manager will acknowledge your renunciation and wish you well; or your supervisor will take your acquiescence and afterward return with a counteroffer to persuade you to remain. When would it be a good idea for you to think about taking the counteroffer, and when would it be advisable for you to stand firm on your abdication? You ought to consider tolerating the counteroffer if†¦It addresses the reasons you needed to leave in the first place. If your manager returns with a more significant pay or a re-adjusted expected set of responsibilities, consider whether this fulfills your craving to proceed onward. A few people investigate different employments or organizations since they don’t figure their pr esent place of employment will meet the following compensation level or line up with their subsequent stage profession objectives. In the event that you get the counteroffer and find that they are happy to work with you on these things, at that point consider staying.You were enrolled as opposed to looking for another gig. If you landed your sparkling new position offer as the consequence of somebody moving toward you (instead of you attempting to escape from your present place of employment), a counteroffer can be an approach to make sure about a raise outside of the yearly survey process or get different concessions. In the event that you weren’t feeling unequivocally headed to leave in any case, it’s worth thinking about whether this â€Å"keep me†bundle will make things stunningly better than a new position would.You’re leaving generally on the grounds that you think you should. If you’ve been at your present place of employment for a coup le of years and feel like you ought to apply to shake things up and advance your profession, a counteroffer may accomplish indistinguishable outcomes from leaving-it’s an opportunity to do a little exchange outside of the typical courses of events. Does the counteroffer give you a more clear advancement way on the off chance that you stay where you are? Does it knock up your compensation in accordance with the proposition for employment you’re holding, or even enhance it? On the off chance that you can exchange up without leaving, it’s worth considering the counteroffer.You feel approved by the counteroffer. Counteroffers are not guaranteed. At the point when you get one, it’s in light of the fact that you give an incentive to the organization that they don’t need to lose without a battle (as it were). In the event that you were looking somewhere else in light of the fact that you felt undervalued, at that point this could be the approval you nee d. On the off chance that you choose to accept your new position offer and proceed onward, you’ll be beginning the way toward substantiating yourself all over.Your gut says â€Å"stay.† Don’t think little of your own senses here. On the off chance that that little voice in your mind is stating, â€Å"take it,†don’t tune it out.You ought to consider dismissing the counteroffer if†¦It feels like close to nothing, too late. If you attempted futile to get an increase in salary a half year prior and abruptly your supervisor is eager to make concessions, consider what that implies they weren’t ready to remunerate you until it got to the breaking point.The counteroffer doesn’t truly transform anything you’re attempting to escape. A counteroffer may toss more cash your direction, however on the off chance that your activity duties, chief, chances for progression, and so on., remain the equivalent, is that worthy to you? On the off chance that somewhat more cash in your check doesn’t feel advantageous contrasted with everything else you’d be focusing on the off chance that you remain, at that point consider rejecting.Your company’s culture or your supervisor makes you miserable. These are bigger issues that can’t fundamentally be settled with more cash or a knock in work title. In the event that you have bigger issues with your working environment that caused you start to feel around somewhere else, at that point the new position offer is probably going to be the best arrangement, paying little mind to the counteroffer.Your gut says â€Å"get out.† Again, tune in to your senses. A counteroffer might be enticing notwithstanding evolving employments, become acquainted with another work environment, and begin once again. Nonetheless, if there’s something keeping you from taking the counteroffer immediately, tune in to that voice.When you’re preparing to leave, it might appear as though your choice is as of now made-all things considered, you experienced the entire procedure to get recruited elsewhere, isn't that so? In any case, don’t rush to expect that you should dismiss a counteroffer without a second thought. Set aside the effort to consider what it would intend to remain, and what you’ll be leaving on the off chance that you go.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Build Your Brand Through Social Media Strategy
Build Your Brand Through Social Media Strategy If there is something that is cited as most important for both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) fields, it is creating brand awareness. In fact, the more structured and defined the presentation of the brand, the more it subsequently draws attention to itself, thus creating a network of loyal customers.The more structured and defined the presentation of the brand, the more it subsequently draws attention to itself, thus creating a network of loyal customers. Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash.Social media are at the center of our personal and professional everyday life; it has been proved that nearly 2.1 billion people have social media accounts and are active in them. Targeting this huge market is a crucial step for businesses that want to build brand awareness and expand sales. And while most marketers agree its an almost necessary step to create a social media strategy, brand consistency across all marketing touchpoints remains tough, let alone elaboratin g it for each social media channel. Still, its a challenge taken and the results can be highly successful for every brand. Many recent researches like the one by Riswan Tarigan published in ResearchGate showcase that marketing via social media can give impact to a companys revenue; the effect of social media toward a companys brand awareness is crucial.Building brand awareness through social media starts by defining what is, in fact, a brand in total and how this can be effectively communicated online in a strong and consistent way. Those brand qualities are then distilled into strategy tips that best work together and can really shape the audiences perception of a brand as say, cool or with traditional values. Here, we offer a number of steps to follow to ensure your brand is instantly recognizable online in a consistent way and one that reflects its core values and aesthetics to the fullest.Be consistent through all social media platformsIn social media brand building, consistency is key. Try to use the social media channels that actually can help your brand and design a consistent logo, color palette, bio, and handle for all. Your content may vary from LinkedIn to Twitter according to each mediums special characteristics but the logo, colors and company details should match to avoid confusion. Nike is a good example of brand consistency: While their content varies from each social media channel, their colors, handle and bio are identical and recognizable at first glance.Deliver brand tone of voiceCreating a brand tone of voice is one most the most challenging facts and social media branding requires an approach similar to all advertising channels. The idea is to consider your social media accounts like parts of the same advertising tool kit; this way you will keep the tone of voice uniform across all platforms. Dont be afraid to be picky though; in a recent Forbes article, New York-based interior design firm Tilton Fenwick founders offer advice for choosing the right platforms. Not all social media platforms are created equal. Twitter is more of a conversation, best for sharing industry news or topics related to your brand. Facebook is similar to Twitter but with a much older audience. they note.Design a logo that expresses the brands core values, aesthetics and philosophyA logo is the first thing most social media users will note and connect with your brand so invest in one that expresses the brands core values and philosophy. Try to use a visual style guide and match the social profiles colors to those of your logoâ€"and again, keep this color palette across all platforms. Your logo and company colors should ideally express emotions and make a strong statement about your brand.Keep content relevant and up to dateSocial media is all about change and the content that you create must follow this rule. Make a list with content that drew the most response from your followers and then replicate it with similar up-to-date posts. Your brand identity is reflected in the content you post so make it relevant and as unique as possible. The key here is to choose your topic of expertise and become a leader in it; be it sneakers or travel experiences, your followers will love to know the latest in the field from you first.Invest in strong visualsSocial media is all about great images and the more you create visually oriented content, the more you will set your brand apart. Choose great images that work effectively with each social media channel and edit them to suit each channels requirements. Photo editing apps like Snapped can help you create a feed that looks highly professional and polished.Engage in conversationYou have created great company pages in most social media channels and produce great content dailyâ€"now its time to interact with your followers. Creating brand consistency has a lot to do with the online relationships you build with your followers, so try to engage in conversation, offer tips or create content to keep them coming back. The more human-oriented your brand feels, the more followersâ€"and thus, potential customersâ€"it can draw to your benefit.Post frequentlyCreating great content that reflects your brands values is a necessary step but you must be committed to posting it frequently. The frequency varies from each social media channel to another but twice a week is a very good starting point, especially for Instagram. Frequent posts create engagement and promote the very special characteristics or expertise of your brand online in a constant way. As Michael Noice, founder of Entrepreneur Coach, explains, A once-weekly Twitter post or monthly Instagram photo are not going to accomplish much, if anything. For this reason, its best to focus on two or three carefully chosen social networks and try to be active on them, rather than posting sporadically to a half-dozen.Connect with influencersConnecting with influencers is a great way to establish collaborations and get ambassadors that will promote brand awareness for a wide audience. You will need to create a strategy that involves developing relationships with the influencers of your choice and making them see you as an expert in your field. If they feel they can relate to your brand values and identity, they will be more eager to work with you, thus promoting your brand further. Start by specifying all the influencers in your industry and then follow them. Dont be afraid to engage with them by liking, commenting or even reposting their content with tagsâ€"this is a great way of making them notice you the first time. DMs should come lastâ€"be super careful with what you write and never force things.Dont be afraid to engage with influencers by liking, commenting or even reposting their content with tags. Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash.Create a special hashtagAnother great idea to expressing your brand identity online is creating a unique hashtag for your brand. This way, you will become instantly rec ognizable and will encourage others to use that unique hashtag and involve your content. Sprout Social writer Jenn Chen uses the case of Serena and Lily as an example: their branded hash tag #serenaandlily is used in every post the brand puts on Instagram and even works as a community hashtag, adding up to over 14k tagged posts.Above allâ€"evolveCreating brand awareness on social media is a never-ending processâ€"your brand identity should evolve with time and take note of all current developments in the field. Update your content to keep your audience coming back for more and try to be super aware of new developments in social media. Changes are fast and sometimes happen overnight. Telling your brands story is a process that needs to be redefined often and new social media strategies applied along with the old ones. Instagram has made a few changes in 2019 that change the way content is posted, including experimenting with nothing less than Augmented Reality, as seen in this AdEspe sso by Hootsuite article. Make sure you are informed of all changes in social media and use them to your brands benefit.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee - 2334 Words
â€Å"As I often say, we have come a long way from the days of slavery, but in 2014, discrimination and inequality still saturate our society in modern ways. Though racism may be less blatant now in many cases, its existence is undeniable,†Al Sharpton once said. Racism and classism are prevalent motifs that existed more prominently in the past, and continue to exist in the present. Harper Lee elaborates on this universal idea in her novel, To Kill a Mockingbird which is about the protagonist, Jean Louise Finch, Scout for short, and her childhood which takes place in the somnolent Southern town of Maycomb County, Alabama. The novel talks about the crisis of conscience and race that rocked the fictional town of Maycomb during the Great†¦show more content†¦Atticus is shown to be an outsider in the white community because of his unique and acceptant nature. After a few meetings with Mrs. Dubose, an elderly, peevish, racist woman who lives near the Finches, Scout asks At ticus a question about race, and he answers by giving her a lesson on name-calling. In the text it says, â€Å"You aren’t really a nigger-lover, then, are you?†â€Å"I certainly am. I do my best to love everybody...I’m hard put, sometimes---baby, it’s never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name†(Lee 144). This shows Atticus’s anti-racism and love for all kinds of people, including blacks. Racists use â€Å"nigger-lover†to suggest that a person is trying to give African-Americans special rights, but Atticus points out that all he is arguing for is equality and loving everybody the same by saying, â€Å"I do my best to love everybody.†When Atticus expresses, â€Å"it’s never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name†he is referring to the whites as â€Å"somebody†calling Atticus a â€Å"nigger-lover.†Atticus is pointing out that such accusations reflect back n egatively on the accusers, showing them to be prejudiced, ignorant and illiberal. Thus, Atticus is calling them â€Å"poor†in the sense that they are vile in spirit and deficient in understanding. Their insults do nothing to hurt enlightened, fair-minded people like Atticus.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Analysis of Suicide by David Hume Essay - 919 Words
Analysis of Of Suicide by David Hume I believe that no man ever threw away life, while it was worth keeping. In David Humes essay Of Suicide, the philosophical argument of justified suicide is pursued. However, the underlying argument focuses on the injustification of the government and society condemning and forbidding such an action and the creation of superstitions and falsehoods of religion and God. Hume argues that the last phases that a person goes through before taking his life is those of disorder, weakness, insensibility, and stupidity, and that those traits, when obvious to the mind, doom him to a death by his own decision. He states that no being in any facet of life can continue life when transferred to a†¦show more content†¦It could be argued then that those in the womb are not able to suffer neither pain nor happiness. Then take for example another opposite of the original argument. How would the rule follow if one were already in the final stages of a tormented life and suddenly won the lo ttery? If his misfortunes and tragedies in life were attributed to money, wouldnt he then be transferred again into a state of mind so different from the original? Would this cause him to take his own life, beforehand destined to recycle the condemning symptoms before suicide? Another point Hume discusses is the injustice in ruling suicide as criminal. He describes this point reducing all things to their basic nature in reality. #8230;two distinct principles of the material and animal world, continually encroach upon each other, and mutually retard or forward each others operations. In essence, what Hume is saying here is that man depends upon the inanimate, in ways of direction and hindrance, and the inanimate consequently is directed by man. Even thought the nature of the two principles is opposite, they are codependent. He applies this to the argument of suicide by showing that it cannot be criminal to disrupt the nature of ones life by taking it if it is not as equally di sruptive to alter the nature of other things. The example used is altering the path of a river. It disrupts the original natureShow MoreRelatedEssay on Steppenwolfs Decision to Live1250 Words  | 5 Pagescommitting suicide. He tries to justify taking his life with religious and philosophical rationales, but in the argument he finds that his life is worth living and suicide not a logical option. Sadly though, the novel provides little evidence beyond the Steppenwolfs own feelings as to why he cannot commit suicide. It is the intent of this paper, with some religious and philosophical references, to shed light on the reasoning behind the Steppenwolfs decision to live. 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Gothic Introduction 2. 2. Analysis of Two Horror 1) 1) The Fall of the House of Usher a) a) Setting b) b) Characters c) c) Point of View 2) 2) The Masque of the Red Death a) a) Setting b) b) Characters Read More Emotional intelligence: The rapprochement of reason and emotion5515 Words  | 23 Pagesargue that logic alone could not deliver the breadth of insights that were possible when empathy and emotion-guided intuition were incorporated into their thinking (Solomon, 2000). This shift in thinking is often attributed to the philosophy of David Hume. Hume (1739/1948) argued that reason was in essence a tool of emotion. In his view, the sole function of reason was to interpret the world in terms of facts in order to form inferences useful in achieving the agendas set by emotion. Empirical evidenceRead MoreEmotional Intelligence: the Rapprochement of Reason and Emotion5749 Words  | 23 Pagesargue that logic alone could not deliver the breadth of insights that were possible when empathy and emotion-guided intuition were incorporated into their thinking (Solomon, 2000). This shift in thinking is often attributed to the philosophy of David Hume. Hume (1739/1948) argued that reason was in essence a tool of emotion. In his view, the sole function of reason was to interpret the world in terms of facts in order to form inferences useful in achieving the agendas set by emotion. Empirical evidenceRead MoreCriticisms Against Ethical Theories8474 Words  | 34 Pagescreate happiness... I suggest the reason that they are valued is precisely because they promote happiness. But, if they didnt, would we still value them? Does someone who suffers too much still value their life? Surely not, or else there would be no suicides. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Samsung Company Analysis Free Essays
Introduction Samsung Electronics is one of the world’s largest semiconductor manufacturers; Samsung Electronics is also South Korea’s top electronics company. It makes many kinds of consumer devices, including DVD players, digital TVs, and digital still cameras; computers, color monitors, LCD panels, and printers; semiconductors such as DRAMs, static RAMs, flash memory, and display drivers; and communications devices ranging from wireless handsets and smart phones to networking gear. The company, which is the flagship member of Samsung Group, also makes microwave ovens, refrigerators, air conditioners, and washing machines. We will write a custom essay sample on Samsung Company Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Nearly half of sales come from the Asia/Pacific region. Top industries for Samsung Electronics Co. are memory chip and module manufacturing, communications chip manufacturing, wireless telephone handset manufacturing. ? Samsung is no longer the company that it used to be, it is a company that has put in a lot effort and money for changing its reputation. Today, Samsung is striving and growing into one of the most successful companies ever. It has an extensive product line that caters to many different people. It no longer operates on low profits; it’s striving on the highest. Sales Preparation MarketValue160834. 8asof 2012-11-09 FiscalYear-EndDec 2011 Sales (mil)104,155. 453 2011 Employees101,970 EmployeeGrowthPercent6. 6% Assets (mil)101,260. 188 NetIncomeGrowthPercent-25. 94% SalesGrowthPercent5. 2% Income Statement201120102009 Revenue$104,155. 454$99,004. 037$77,007. 137 GrossProfit$26,216. 298$30,225. 083$18,331. 443 OperatingIncome$10,088. 036$13,163. 092$5,445. 767 NetIncome$8,646. 132$11,674. 559$8,277. 33 Diluted EPS$28. 8$39. 04$27. 96 SWOT analysis A good SWOT analysis can help the company and competitors place themselves in the market wisely. Therefore, let us look at the SWOT Analysis of Samsung to give an idea of how the company is operating in the world. Strengths †¢ Samsung has a wide product range, which allows them to grab ample market share from various markets. This allows Samsung to not only earn a high return but it also allows them to diversify their risk and failure †¢ According to many magazines, Samsung holds a significant portion of the market share in nearly all its products. †¢ Samsung is a reputed name and many people are familiar with it around the world. †¢ Samsung has won many awards on its high quality products. Samsung has the ability and resources to use the latest technology and offer new and exciting features frequently. †¢ Samsung has won many awards due to its ability to make innovative, sleek and slim products †¢ Samsung has set up many production plants in low cost locations, thus they save on cost of production significantly. †¢ Samsung recently has attract ed ample positive press, thus its reputation continues to grow and has a positive impact on the operations of the company. Weaknesses †¢ Samsung never introduces a new design on its own, it always waits to attack it’s competitors. Thus, it missed the first mover advantages. †¢ Samsung does not charge high price for its products, therefore often people relate the low price to begin a supplier of low quality products. General perception supports that the higher the price, the higher the quality of products. †¢ Many Samsung products are not user friendly, therefore consumer often hesitate to switch to Samsung products even if the price and quality is exceptional. †¢ Samsung does not focus on a specific niche; it offers its products to the mass market only. Samsung does not create its own software therefore it often relies on other sources to complete the products. †¢ Samsung faces immense competition from new companies and online companies. †¢ High set up and operation cost for such a company. Opportunities †¢ Samsung should make an active effort to offer unique products to customers, in order to grab more market share. †¢ Samsung could start creating software’s for their hardware devices and reduce outsourcing. †¢ Samsung could launch sub brands to the company, with new and improved strategies. †¢ Samsung could launch in countries to tap the needs of consumers. Samsung could open more stores to serve more customers. †¢ Samsung could make an effort to launch creative products first, rather than after its competitors. †¢ Samsung could increase its product variation in its products. †¢ Samsung should participate in product development and attract more customers. It should also consider participating in various events to attract attention. †¢ Samsung could offer additional services to retain existing customers and attract new ones. †¢ Increase in the need for mobile phones, Samsung could exploit this need well. Threats †¢ Samsung has linked product lines, which means that if one product line fails due to its own reasons other product lines will also suffer. †¢ Samsung is very scattered; it controls and operates different products while its competitors use their resources and effort on one segment only. Diversification takes a lot of effort and attention. †¢ Samsung has set up production plants in low cost areas, which are subject to ample political and economic instability. These instabilities can have an impact overall company it the crisis gets unmanageable. Samsung is facing threats from many other low cost companies. †¢ Various companies have realized the importance of advertising, therefore Samsung will be subject to a lot more competition as advertising creates and draws attention of consumers. †¢ Countries all over the world are experiencing a high cost due to high inflation rates in most locations. †¢ Many government legislations are now active against the innovative technology due to health and mental concerns. Samsung vs. others On the Kazakhstani market Samsung has various competitors as LG and Sony. All three companies are strong, despite Samsung takes almost a half of market share. Still Samsung has lots of thing to work on here, in Kazakhstan. I have made an analysis of all three web sites of Samsung, LG and Sony, compared them and indicated Samsung’s weak sides. Samsung. com/kz Samsung doesn’t have a local web site in Kazakhstan. While entering it for the first time system asks to indicate your location. When choose Kazakhstan, Russian language is chosen by default. It is also worth to mention that in Kazakhstani version of website Russian is the only language, Kazakh is not represented. Generally web site is not very easy to use, even though most of major stuff represented on the main page. The problem is that in order to find an item customer is really has to search for it, using all these tabs and vertical search. Customer cannot just browse web site without knowing what exactly he wants. The main page represents new Samsung products as Samsung Galaxy Note II, Smart TV sets, etc. After clicking on the product you’d like to buy it immediately redirects you to product’s profile page where presented all the information about it, including Store Locator. The problem with this locator that it works only in huge cities, engine does not allow to narrow search to smaller towns or districts. So, for example, if I live in Almaty and I want to buy smartphone, web-site will give the list of all distributors located in Almaty, not the nearest to me. Also, it doesn’t show the prices and discount that different distributors have. Instead they offer to call them by ourselves. The possible reason to this is security issues that require lot of financial investments. Also profile page contains the feature called â€Å"Compare with other devices†where you can choose up to 5 devices and compare it in terms of technical characteristics. But this is all that Samsung offers as pre-order feature. They do not have any video review of products, 3D models of them, panoramic photos and many other things that could possibly engage them with new customers. Samsung actively works on creating local brand communities as on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. With help of those communities they try to engage together all Samsung current and possible customers. Another option that web-site introduces is collaboration with KupiKipon company, which provides coupons and discounts on selected Samsung production. To become a participant, customers, firstly, have to enter into Samsung Premium Club, only then all features as KupiKupon will be available, as well as many other options like discounts for AirAstana, service of Toyota service Center, etc. Sony. kz Web site of Sony has Kazakhstani domain and as well as Samsung’s web site, it has not got any possibility of changing language to Kazakh or English. Web site is also quite easy to use, I would say much easier than Samsung’s. When customer wishes to buy something every step is structured and clear, so search engine is well organized and works nice: 1. He has to define what exactly he wants to buy. Whether it is TV or Walkman 2. He is given a list of different series of different price categories. He has to make another choice. 3. Then system provides him with a list of all, for example, Walkmans of specified prices and year of production. Price is also included but in rubles, not in tenge. The feature of comparison of different phones and cameras also presented on this web site. Sony also does not have feature of buying online and store locator, no list of distributors and anything that could somehow get interest of Kazakhstani customers, seems like the web site is made for Russian customers with domain name . kz. Sony runs technical and customer support program that allows Sony production owners to upgrade, fix their gadget almost for free. They have created various brand communities in different social network in order to gather together their old and new customers, organize contests and actions. LG. kz The web site of LG is pretty similar to Sony’s, especially in terms of search engine: it is very easy to use it. First of all the structure of site is very different from previous two: it all compact and arranged from left to right, so we do not have to scroll page up and down. The main page is divided on three parts: left, central and right. The first ad the last never changes, like a banner ad, they represent the list of production, vertical search and news and actions respectively. The central part is the most active, like a working are, where customer can look through products he chose, compare them and make a final decision. But in comparison to Sony and Samsung only limited line of production is presented on their web site – only latest models. As LG has a domain name . kz, still default language is Russian and no possibility to change if to any other, only if change the location. Also as two previous web sites, LG does not have an option of buying production online (direct distribution). As it was mentioned earlier, this option might not be used because of very high financial expenses. So web site has only one direct task – to introduce new production to public. As well as Sony, LG has not got any information about it distributors or shops. LG works a lot on CRM: they create brand communities on different social networks, provide customers with free OS upgrades and free application for their phones, microsite for SMART TV owners. Also they were the only who presented option for slow Internet connection, possibly aware of bad Internet in Kazakhstan. Customer relationship management (CRM) We are looking on internet strategy of Samsung Company. So, CRM in this case should not only manage a company’s interactions with customers, clients, and sales prospects, but also use technology, internet to organize, and synchronize business processes. The goal is to find new clients, and safe those which company already have. Looking on the brochure that we received from representative of Samsung in KIMEP, we can make conclusion that now we know some characteristics of described printers, but nothing where to buy it. So, customer have to do it own research, to find where he could buy a product in which he is interested. Moreover, the lady that was representative is just from event agency. She cannot tell anything about the product in which students were interested, but which were not presented on the stand and material she learned. This small research showed us how it is hard for customers find the shop were to buy the product they need. For sure it is cheaper to pay once lady from the agency for representing the material, rather than open department dealing with this. But, we thing department will be more productive, because they can answer on more questions, than just learned. Or not spending more money lady-representative can refer to the site, where customer can find more information about interested product. Also, site should be written on the brochure. Recommendations While researching Samsung site, we found that company does not represent online shopping or delivery services as all sales go trough distributors and Samsung don’t interfere into contact between customers and dealers. Samsung has no official shop in Almaty or any other cities of Kazakhstan. As we understood their main aim is dealing with promotions, PR, advertisement and publicity. In Kazakhstan many products that are resell by disturbers always have special additional price that have a huge difference between initial and final prices. It would be a good idea if Samsung on their site near the products placed their prices so customers will know at first hand the cost of the product. On the other hand it could cause discontent of distributor since clients choose negotiated price of other dealers or no profit will be gained. Samsung in advance can discus and find the optimal additional price for distributors so both customers and dealers will be satisfied. Here is the situation; Customer is surfing Samsung site to find the product he or she liked and willing to by right away. Site provides all dealers addresses and contact numbers and this entire list is about50 shops around one city. Customer need to find on the Google maps of any other gadget where these shops located. While processing all the Almaty streets aspiration can go away and company loosing a potential client. We suggest directing present location of the customer and pick out top 5 closest shops to get product they like. No need for searching and finding out which store is right next to your location. This novation facilitates search and willing to own Samsung products. Any tracking for products creates a desire to possess and enjoy them. Samsung can create online delivery through dealers just right on their site. No potential customer is missed and no dealer left without profit. This ability gives a client to choose any dealer and store he liked and order the product without leaving home. Another convenient option would be listing all Samsung goods dealers have in the moment. It can ease life and prevent the buyer in the way there will be no need to have a long ride to the store and find out that good you need is out of stock. Very often happens the situation when a client came to buy a Samsung product but because it is out of stock shop assistance offer goods of other companies, which is detrimental for Samsung sales. The main aim of dealers is to make a potential customer buy and if there is no special product he or she needs they can easily find a substitute as the world of technology is extensive and easily replaceable. Process improvement What makes Samsung’s potential customers to enter the site and search it further? Most important page on the whole website is main page. It makes client be interested in products company offer. In our previous group research of Samsung we found out that main page of the company is not attractive at all. Here are some solutions how to make it more catchy and favorable: 1. Customers should be informed with updated news or special offers the first thing. Samsung needs to update this information daily so buyers see that company is alive, it is operating ever day and care to hold customers on the site. 2. We noticed a very huge mistake of designers of the site that all pictures allocated are so not real and it’s hard to see how actual products look like. Nowadays, most of the sites that provide any selling activity make the goods look very realistic as if you are shopping in the mall and see the product, e. g. 3D pictures can create this visual effect. 3. Forum is also another important part of the web site as here customers can discuss their complaints, whether they like the product or they don’t, get some new ideas to improve the site and marketing strategy. It brings benefit to both visitors and company. Visitors can find for themselves the product that suits them the most, advantages and disadvantages, write critique, review and so on. Company gets new ideas, fix errors or mistakes, and see how people react to some updates of the goods system. 4. Our group has conducted an independent research about Samsung and LG companies to understand how these two companies maintain customer relationship management and meanwhile provide service for its customers. We have gone to one of the retail stores representatives of both Samsung and LG which is serving as distributor at the same time and pretended to be secret buyers. We were just like ordinary buyers who were interested in purchase. As the result, we created a list of statements and criteria that for our opinion are important when choosing an electronic company. In the table below we have rated them on the following criteria and identified to what extend do we agree with the following statements about Samsung and LG customer service representative. SamsungLG GoodAveragePoorGoodAveragePoor Selection of productsVV Quality of productVV Price of productVV AdvertisementVV Recommendation of friends and relativesVV Store layoutVV Guarantees/WarrantiesVV Online shop VV Convenient LocationVV Brand name recognitionVV Service CenterVV AgreeNeutralDisagreeAgreeNeutralDisagree The staff is friendlyVV The staff is patientVV The staff is politeVV The staff is responsiveVV The staff has listened carefullyVV The staff has sufficient product knowledgeVV Conclusion Samsung is well known company. We think that using our small research and recommendations this company will be closer to customers by itself, not just through retailers. Solutions about their web site will make company more attractive to customers. Finally, brief information about the company in the beginning of the paper will help reader to make clear understanding about company products and processes. How to cite Samsung Company Analysis, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Music As Resistance Wale Golden Salvation Essay Example For Students
Music As Resistance Wale Golden Salvation Essay This tape consisted of go-go based production. This had never been done before in hip-hop, this alone shows Wales resistant nature. He didnt want to conform to the typical production style that most rappers were using at the time of that release. Throughout that project, he consistently spoke completely truthfully about what he does, he never yapped about gunplay and drug-slinging, he never praised any of the negative connotations that are prominent in todays hip hop. One of the most prominent things in the hip-hop industry is the flashy lifestyle that most artists portray. The game is filled with chain flashing, money flashing, and braggadocio. Wale denies these stereotypes by constantly displaying his proper knowledge of simple etiquette, be it through his lyrics or his actions. To me, wale is a genius trapped in a game filled with fake gangsters and trend-followers. In a simple sense, wale is a trendsetter; he brings his own style to the table, he is his own man, which is something that is always preached in the rap game but barely ever put on display. I chose the song Golden Salvation because it speaks to the exact topic that I previously discussed. Basically, throughout the song, Wale explains how rappers boast diamond-flooded chains bearing the face of Jesus. But, while wearing these chains, the rappers arent serving Christ in any way, shape, or form. In fact, the Jesus piece is simply written off as another regular old piece of Jewelry. Salvation is defined as deliverance from sin and its consequences. They expect the chain itself, the diamonds, and shiny components to deliver them to new heights in life, they completely ignore the face that the chain consists of; hence the name Golden Salvation. With this line: N*gas use me to shine, I been helping you stunt, look, why hose rapping dudes anti hit me in months? Wale shows that he believes that these young men particularly black men should go to Jesus more often and ask him for assistance in life instead of placing their destiny on living the typical flashy lifestyle. He follows this up with l dont ask for too much, colored in Wows, women will play you close, ad them hungry Jokers will try and test yea, now yea confidence through the roof, still you show no respect kid, the good book said praise but you so stuck in your ways you got my image appraised. With this, hes saying that Jesus doesnt ask for much, Music As Resistance Wale Golden Salvation By Mudstone and their chances of getting robbed will increase. Also, he uses a play on words with praise. Implying that the bible tells us to praise the lord but instead, they get his an appraisal on a chain bearing his face. This song speaks volumes to the terrible trends the rap industry tends to set and cause millions to follow. It also showcases Wales ability to drop knowledge on important topics in the black community and also do it in an intriguing way that requires you to not only listen, but also deeply think about the lyrics. Lyrics: Pray Praises Give thanks To the Fad Holy Water Jesus piece But dont nobody want know Jesus peace, no N*gas use me to shine I been helping you stunt Look why these rapping dudes anti hit me in months I dont ask for too much Covered in Wows Women gong play yea closer And them hungry Jokers gong try test yea Now they bumping your record Yea confidence through the roof Still yea show no respect kid The good book said pray But you so stuck in your ways You got my image appraised Why you sinning out waiting Fornicating with women I sat right there on your table Dont bow your head for grace Though Im keeping you graceful .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a , .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a .postImageUrl , .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a , .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a:hover , .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a:visited , .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a:active { border:0!important; } .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a:active , .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u34a13ffa2d51578b22cee16daa657c4a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The drum kit EssayBrothers was born to cheat Though I question who faithful Fast for me nope Blasphemy though Rap to it so racks up To match up with me froze How can a diamond supersede my wisdom I seen a reverend with five of me as he read his scripture This is bible readings to people with malice intentions With a Cuban attached On a secular scene I died for you all Now n*gas die over me Jesus piece Jesus piece Jesus piece But dont nobody want know Jesus peace Sierra Leone diamonds LA to New York got me? If nobody stores have me Some probably would know about me All over paparazzi Shout out to Murrain See they commercialism me Im sure there will be more robberies Work New chain swag get your crew laid fast Or laid down or not a ticket next to dad And the bible told you wait on my arrival But patience was your problem So get Jacob to come find me And religion is a style if not Then why this sit a quarter mil No fugal see Jacob tell you that Sis real Hallelujah the things you do to be the manure You never thank me at shows but you keep me on tour Sunday services pastor is the wealthy ones working it Preaching Armageddon while collection plates been circling the room Fears but a tool And Gospel gone commercial pray the purpose isnt cruel And the workers in the pulpit want they blessings to improve And they stone me on the cross and insignias stone me for the joshs And the ashs foolish What am I who are yea Im coming down from the sky cause insignias keep praying to shine Look Amen For the price of fame What would you do to have me say your name See I promise I would never cop another chain but the arms spent on these VS. Got When that Budgets drop my accountant stop me for a second and said not today not today For the price of fame It is such a shame
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
A Practical Proposal Addressing a Local Problem
A Practical Proposal Addressing a Local Problem The following is a paper on a practical proposal addressing a local problem. This paper is a summary of my research on the employees’ rights violation at the giant Wal-Mart retail stores.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on A Practical Proposal Addressing a Local Problem specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The paper has information on how the rights of the employees have been violated (low salary, poor working conditions, employee discrimination and inadequate health care). Due to the employees’ violation at Wal-Mart, the information in the paper provides guidance on how workers can go about resolving their issue (by forming or joining trade unions). It goes in depth to explain how these unions work and finally gives a justification on the whole issue. Wal-Mart is the largest retail store in America and the world. The retail store is still spreading its dominance worldwide, starting in Asia where it has its st ores in over ten countries, Europe and South America. The giant retail store is still planning to expand its business dealings on an even wider scope in the near future. The giant store possesses incentives that are geared towards profit making, due to the recent recession though, the incentives tend to hurt its workers. With Wal-Mart’s effort to make a way into hypermarket cultures all over the world, lots of severe setbacks have come into play. What is more, low-wages, low benefits, employment discrimination, poor healthcare, anti-union policies, and bad working conditions have made Wal-Mart an evil business in the eyes of their employees. This paper will therefore concentrate on Wal-Mart’s employee violations, propose a solution to this and finally find a justification on the whole issue. â€Å"With about two million employees worldwide, Wal-Mart has faced a torrent of lawsuits and issues with regards to its workforce. These issues involve low wages, poor working c onditions, inadequate health care, employee discrimination, as well as issues involving the companys strong anti-union-policies†(Keil Lee 336).Advertising Looking for essay on labor law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Criticism has pointed out to Wal-Marts soaring turnover rates as proof to a discontented labor force, even if other aspects may possibly be involved. A study has shown that, roughly seventy five percent of its workers leave inside one year with the firm. Wal-Mart’s full-time hourly associates receive, a standard, 10.11 dollars every hour; with 34 hours in a week, a worker gets 17,874 dollars in a year which is 20% lesser than an average retail employee. The firm is also accused of poor employee working conditions. This is evidenced by lawsuits against the firm asserting that workers are sometimes forced to work off the clock (where overtime pay is refuted), are denied lunch breaks or eve n stopped from taking rests. The best solution on the problems affecting Wal-Mart employees lies in the forming and joining of labor unions that will advocate for the workers’ rights. Labor unions and particularly in the United States are lawfully distinguished as representatives of employees and workers in various industries. â€Å"Activities by labor unions in the United States today centers on collective bargaining over wages, benefits, and working conditions for their membership, and on representing their members if by any chance the management attempts to violate contract provisions†(Zieger Gall 548). In this case therefore, forming and joining labor unions is the way forward as they will advocate policy implementation and legislations on behalf of the employees, despite the fact that wall mart has strong anti-union policies. With the union again, the workers will notably gain some equity and bargaining power, this comes about when violations against the workers have been experienced (Zieger Gall 548).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on A Practical Proposal Addressing a Local Problem specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The union makes sure that the law is followed and that a contract term drafted by a single party, is intrinsically biased (the union makes sure the employees and the management are the stakeholders in contract drafting), â€Å"as a result the union brings the management and the workers as close as to equal as possible providing a legal counter weight to the management†(Zieger Gall 548). The employees are also responsible in electing their own representatives in the union who will air their grievances to the union in cases of employee violations, in order for the union to take corrective measures. As a justification for what the workers need to do, there is a tight regulation in the labor union on private-sector union membership by the NLRA (National Labo r Relations Act). This law is run by the National Labor Relations Board, a self-governing national organization, this union and others are controlled partially by federal government and partially by government laws. General they have displayed vigorous growth for pay, and workers conditions are put through negotiations with selected local and government officers. When joining a labor union, employees must either be granted voluntary acknowledgment from the employer or acquire majority employees in the bargaining-unit vote to be represented in a union; in both cases, the federal government is to endorse the union (Zieger Gall 548). â€Å"Once the union has won the support of a majority in the bargaining unit and is certified in a workplace, it has the sole authority to negotiate the conditions of employment;†(Zieger Gall 548) as shown by Zeiger gall (548) again, the management and the union together draft the stipulations and conditions of service in lawfully binding contr acts.Advertising Looking for essay on labor law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When violations do occur in the workplace, majority contracts bring in other parties to take care of their differences, via a complaint procedure to see if the problem can be jointly resolved. â€Å"If the union and the employer still cannot settle the matter, either party can choose to send the dispute to arbitration, where the case is argued before a neutral third party†(Zieger Gall 548) A number of U.S. economists are trying to analyze whether Wal-Mart has a positive or negative impact particularly on the American economy. The major irony behind this is that the analysis is sponsored by Wal-Mart itself. In attempting to mend its reputation and reach out to critics Wal-Mart conducts gatherings and conferences in Washington D.C., despite this, Wal-Mart is evidently dragging down American living standards when they violate their employees’ rights. They do this when they pay poverty level wages and other benefits. Conversely, they argue that they have the lowest prici ng which is beneficial to consumers, particularly the poor while keeping the overall inflation checked. To alleviate this it is necessary that its workers form or join labor unions. There many advantages in these unions, some of these are better wages and benefits for its members, improved work conditions together with social networks providing financial, emotional and legislative hold up. The actual gain from a union though is the provision of another stronger voice in bargaining during contract formation. Keil, Stanley. Spector, Lee. The Impact of Wal-Mart on Income and Unemployment Differentials in Alabama. Review of Regional Studies; Winter, 35 (3), 336-355. 2005. Print. Zieger, Robert, Gilbert, Gall. American Workers, American Unions: The Twentieth Century. Maryland. John Hopkins University Press. 2002. Print.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Land Of Desire essays
Land Of Desire essays The transformations that America went through in order to become a capitalist country were very significant and are sometimes looked past. However, in the book Land of Desire, the author, William Leach extensively goes into many of those things. There were many things that went into this ranging from specific poeple and incidents to outside places and things. Leach shows each individual ordeal and explains the personal effect that it had on the industry, as well as how society accepted, or in some cases condemned such things. All of this comes from his own education and understanding of the situation. He shows the drift into a capitalistic country as being a gradual change in one thing that then led to another, and to another, and so on. Not to mention that many, many things took part in it. And that if such things had not occurred, we would not be the country that we are today. There isn't a whole lot of information on William Leach, but he does appear to be a very well-thought out man. This is not his only historical book and he's also done other things, including the book True Love and Perfect Union: The Feminist Reform of Sex and Society, and editing The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. That specifically shows up a number of times in Land of Desire. He refers to L. Frank Baum (the author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) throughout the book, as well as to the book itself. Other than that, though, there's not much else I know about him, too bad it's not exactly the most helpful information as far as why he thinks the way he does. Leach broke the book up into 5 major parts. The first being the preface and the introduction. These two parts laid out the main ideas of the book. After that, Leach went into the three main sections of the book, which end up being the three main steps in the transformation into capitalism. The first entitled Strategies of Enticement, went into a litt...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Diabetes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3
Diabetes - Essay Example Diabetes is a medical disease in which the human body can either not produce or not properly utilize the hormone called Insulin. Insulin itself is a naturally produced hormone which helps the body in converting sugars, starch and other food stuff into useful energy which is needed for the activities of daily life. While we know a lot about the effects of the disease, the cause of the ailment continues to be an unsolved mystery. However, both genetic and environmental influences have been noted to bring up the onset of diabetes and these include factors including obesity and a sedate lifestyle. The Diabetes UK (2008) organization also confirms the information provided by the ADA and gives further information regarding diabetes. According to the UK based charity, Diabetes is a condition where the the amount of sugar i.e. glucose in the blood is elevated abnormally since the body cannot use it properly. The glucose comes from the digestive system when starchy foods such as bread, rice, potatoes, chapatis, and plantain are consumed. High contents of glucose can also come from sugar or other sweet foods. The liver also produces glucose naturally within the body. Insulin is vital for life and it produced by the pancreas to help the glucose to enter the body cells where it can be used as fuel. Essentially, there are two types of diabetes known as Type 1 and Type 2. Of all the individuals affected by Diabetes, Type 1 is the less common type since it sets in when the body is completely unable to produce any insulin whatsoever. For those who are affected, this type of diabetes commonly appears before the person is forty. Type 2 diabetes is more common and less easier to detect as well since in this situation, the body can still produce some insulin, but not enough for the cells to perform their function ideally. Type 2 diabetes can also set in when the insulin that is produced is not working correctly which is known as insulin resistance in the body. In many
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Success is Better Measured by One's Financial Attainment Essay
Success is Better Measured by One's Financial Attainment - Essay Example A smaller number of working professionals also struggle to attend graduate school and take postgraduate courses. However, because of several social economic and demographic reasons, not everyone can be in the profession of their choice. Thus, only a few can manage or afford to choose, and they inevitably pick such and like careers. Success can only be effectively evaluated by a person’s financial attainment. The one thing that most of the high-end jobs have in common is that the paychecks are much larger than what the people in lower jobs, like teachers, nurses, firefighters and police officers make. From this, we can conclude that the majority choose the jobs, not because of how fulfilling they are but how much money they earn. Bearing in mind that the society is aware of the distinction, it is evident that most of these professions are the ones who live in the best houses, drive nice cars and take their children to the high cost private schools. Society, in general, has the propensity to admire and praise those who seem to achieve notwithstanding how they got the success. Therefore, the financial attainment of an individual is a better and more suitable measurement for success than the education level. Take Bill Gates, for instance: he dropped out of Harvard without his degree and left school because he had problems with the administration for doing business in the dorm room (Times magazine, 2007). As such, his level of education at the time he was starting Microsoft, the company that made him one of the world’s wealthiest and most influential men, were the same as those of any college drop outs. However, he is not known or revered for his academic credentials of lack of them for that matter. He is known for his phenomenal wealth, and whether he made it with or without a college degree is beside the point since he is easily one of the most successful men in the world. While it may have to do with his contribution to technology, it is worth notin g that he did not achieve the feat alone yet many of his co-founders who are not as wealthy are hardly known as popular as him. Similarly, several of the greatest financial successes of the current times, including Paul Ellen, co-founder of Microsoft, the late Steve Jobs and Richard Branson, never finished schools, and they became some of the worlds fanatical giants (Carney 2009). While their success is undeniable, measuring it based on academic attainment would be impractical. Success is best measured by financial achievement since the people who have the most influence in the world are not the most educated, but the ones who wealthy financially. In order to enhance this, assume one is a professor with 10 degrees and someone else is a billionaire and a school dropout. One is limited to what he/she can achieve alone, since, without the money, one cannot reach very many people with your education. However, the dropout with money can use it to pay people with more education, hence, he is more successful in that endeavor. If success represents the achievements of a person’s set objectives, let us hypothetically visit students in class and inquire them, â€Å"What is your intention for being in class?†- â€Å"To get a degree†. If yes, does it mean that when they get the degree they have achieved their intention? We do not stop there, we ask further: â€Å"What do you intend to do with your degree?†- â€Å"To get a well paying job, so I can start a familyâ€
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Materials Management In Malaysia Construction Construction Essay
The Materials Management In Malaysia Construction Construction Essay In construction, materials and equipment account for 50-60 of the project cost, and the most common cause of delays in construction is lack of materials (Amir Tavakoli  Adil Kakalia, 1993). Studies conducted by the Construction Industry Institute, American Association of Cost Engineers, and others have emphasized the importance of construction materials management (Amir Tavakoli  Adil Kakalia, 1993). These studies have concluded that effective materials management system will result in a 6-8% improvement in labour productivity, improved cash flow, reduced bulk materials surplus, reduced materials management human resource, improved vendor performance, reduced requirement for physical warehouse facilities, quantity purchasing discounts, minimized cost impact of change orders, and fewer project delays. The saving made as a result of these improvements outstrip the cost of implementing a materials management system by ten to one (Amir Tavakoli  Adil Kakalia, 1993). Nowadays, the cost of materials for construction is increasing form year to year due to market force, lack of natural resources, and etc. In order to reduce the construction cost, material management has to be carrying out to control the construction cost to make more profit. 1.2 Problem statement Lack of materials management in construction will result in rising of construction cost, more wastage, lowering the profit and etc. In order to make a higher profit with a high construction cost, developer tend to sell their development in a higher price and hence building cost will become higher and result in purchaser have to pay a larger afford on the payment. Government should pay more afford to contractor on materials management in order to reduce wastage as nowadays our world is more concern in recycle and also to reduce the afford of people to buy a comfort residential for themselves or to get a shop to undergoes their business. 1.3 Objectives 1. To identify whether the materials management system are properly carried out in construction site. 2. To determine the proper way in carrying out materials management on construction site. 2. To determine the advantages of the used of materials management. 1.4 Rationale of study Building materials is a important resources in a construction industry. No matter how big or small the project is, contractor should pay more attention on building materials in order to reduce wastage and also to maximize their profit. Many construction companies still do not do well in materials management which can help them to make more profit and also to help their construction running smoothly. So, there are some reasons why this research needs to be carried out. First of all, how to applied and organised the proper materials management system to a project. Secondly, how to increase the profit of construction company by the used of materials management system. Hopefully, this research will give a clear picture on materials management and provide a guideline for local construction company to improve their materials management system. 1.5 Methodology Methodology method to be used is questionnaires. First, aims and objectives will be planned and draft out all the content needed. After finalize the survey questionnaire, 30 samples will be conducted by sending to different construction company. The targeted constructions companies contacts are obtain from internet, friends and newspaper. After collected the questionnaires, the data collected will be analyze. Conclusion and recommendations will have made at the end of the research. The purpose of using questionnaires is that it can be compare different ways of materials management system carried out by different construction company and this also is an easy way to collect data. Chapter 2 Literature review 2.1 Definition Materials management is an organizational philosophy that has evolved through application of the systems approach to management, an approach that provides for integration of all management functions. A primary objective of this philosophy is to coordinate all business activities that are part of the materials cycle, from supplier through company operations and on to the customer. Materials management is an umbrella that integrates all the critical materials sub functions and , as such, is a major company function, among such others as engineering, finance, and manufacturing as show in figure 1.1(Eugene L. Magad and John M. Amos, 1995): Capture Figure : Major company function cooperating to achieve common objectives A simpler definition of materials management could be the line of responsibility which begins with the selection of suppliers and ends when the material is delivered to its point of use. (Dean S. Ammer, 1969). Material managements is a concept which brings together under one manager the responsibility for determining the manufacturing requirements, scheduling the manufacturing process, and procuring, storing and dispersing material. As such it is concerned with, and control, activities involved in the acquisition and use of all material employed in the production of a finished good. (R J Carter and P M Price, 1993) 2.2 Concept Neither the terminology nor the concept of a totally integrated material organization has been accepted by all business throughout the world. Many of the local company use the different term to coding this management such as Material Management, logistics, and Physical distribution for similar organizations. Others have embraced the title but not the full organizational philosophy. Despite different names, however, the trend in recent years has been for companies to adopt the materials management or logistics management title. (Eugene L. Magad and John M. Amos, 1995) Business costs attributable to material are significant portion of the total cost of goods and services. Increasingly, companies are recognizing the need to implement this type of organization to maximize profits, improve customer service, establish needs controls, and reduce costs. (Eugene L. Magad and John M. Amos, 1995) 2.3 Functions of Material Management In building construction industry, Material Management works with all departments, the major function is to provide the right materials to the right operating point at the right time in a usable condition and at the minimum cost. So, in generally the Material Management play an important role whether the profit the Contractors firm will maximize or remain unchanged. (R.J.Carter and P.M Price, 1993) Besides that, the amount of wastage also reduced with the used of materials management as nowadays what our community concern more about in the term of Recycle. Below are the basic function of the use of materials management in construction industry: Classification of materials Location on site Movement on site Reduction of waste Quality Control The main point of Material Management is to satisfy the needs of all operating systems, such as the manufacturing production line, the need arising from customer demand patterns, promotional activities and physical distribution schedules. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) 2.3.1 Classification of materials Materials can be classified into groups reflecting the manner in which they can be handled and stored on the site. The way in which a material is delivered will determine how it is offloaded and where it is located. For example, sand will arrive in a tip-up body vehicle and will need to deposit onto an even clean base with walls to prevent excessive spreading. No labour will be required other than an operative directing the vehicle. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) The classification can be divided into five broad areas. Bulk The material is delivered in bulk and deposited on site into some form of container. These materials have a high wastage rate and tend to be used indiscriminately. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) Bagged A bulk material placed in bags for ease of handling and controlled use in small quantities. The bag also offers some protection against wastage and deterioration. Generally, to ensure speedy unloading a large number of operatives are required to carry the bags to the storage point. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) Palleted Bagged materials can be loaded onto pallets on the transport vehicle and on arrival at the site mechanical means can be used to offload them, such as fork lift trucks or cranes. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) Packaged An increasing number of materials are packaged to prevent damage during transit and deterioration in storage. They can be banded together fully enclosed or just protected at their most vulnerable parts. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) Loose Components are in a partially fabricated state it may not be feasible to pallet or package them. They will have to handled individually according to their weight, size and intrinsic strength. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) The firms policy should be, wherever possible, to obtain the materials either palette or packaged. This will generally involve the buyer in negotiations with the suppliers to determine the most suitable requirements. There are advantages that will be of benefit to both parties: (Ian E Chandler, 1978) Faster turn-round for vehicles on site Quicker and easier loading at the source Possible rationalization of pallet sizes and loads, together with package sizes. As a summary for classification of materials by classify the materials into five groups, it can help to aid the site management in determining the handling and storage policy and practice it needs to carry out on the site. The manner in which the material is delivered will determine its storage location, when it will be required, and how it will be off-loaded and transported. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) 2.3.2 Location on site The overriding objective of the location of materials and components on the site is that they should be as close to the point of use as is practically and economically possible. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) When materials are delivering from a far distance to the site, it will result in wasting time in delivering, risk of damage to the materials and also an increase in the cost of materials. It is necessary that the distance of the delivering materials to be managed. In develop a plan for this management, the factor which will affect the plan is the time, space, labour, plant and costs. Time. If the contract has to be completed in a relatively short time compared to similar projects, then the cost of material handling becomes a secondary consideration. It is necessary to stock-pile materials to cushion the effects of irregular delivery. This will have to be re-handled at a later date if they are deposited some distance away from the point of use. The net effect on the programme in achieving continuous production to obtain completion on time may, in this particular case, justify the extra expenditure for the double handling. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) Space. On the majority of sites the space available for the storage and movement of materials and components is the major consideration. The amount of land left around a building or a group of building is restricted owning to design and cost factors. The cost of land is very high, owing mainly to its scarcity value for building, this means that the building will take up as much as of the available land area. The developer must achieve a balance between a high density of population and areas for leisure amenities. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) Labour and plant. The off-loading and handling of materials in site which should be carry out by worker or machine has to be done correctly. The important of this is more main on time as time is very important for construction. For example, by using a crane to lift concrete to a high floor is much for faster than carrying by worker as the amount to be lifted is much larger and the time used is much more shorter. But there still many item that must be carry by worker such as some small item which carry only a small amount and easily broken item should be carry by worker carefully to avoid losing or damage to the item. Costs. Whatever the outcome of looking at the location problem from the point of view of time, space or labour and plant the ultimate decision will inevitably be tempered by the cost factor. If the costs exceed the budget for that particular operation a decision will have to be taken in the best interests of the project. It may be justifiable to exceed the estimate for one activity in order to produce a saving in another. If after a number of feasible solutions have been obtained on the basis of the other limiting factors, then the distinguishing criteria will be cost, with the problem being solved by using the cheapest method. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) 2.3.3 Movement on Site Movement on site mean to move the material from 1 position to another position. Incorrect ways of movement might cause damage to the materials and increase the costs. Basically, movement on site can be divided into 2 types which is horizontal movement and vertical movement. For horizontal movement, the aim is to ensure that the material is moved from one position to another over the site to minimize time, handling, damage and costs by using routes planned to ensure safety and ease travel. The routes should be defined by laying roads or marking their width. Material checker should have the responsibility and authority to police the activity. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) Plant should be well maintained to avoid break down of vehicle in the way of delivery or any other to avoid wasting time on delivery. This might cause delay of construction when materials deliver to the site late and hence causes lost to the contractor. While for vertical movement, this is the movement of materials from one level to another in either a strict perpendicular manner or with a certain amount of horizontal movement. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) Very little vertical movement, except in single or two storey buildings, is carried out by labour excluding for example, bricks and mortar in hods and the placing of sanitary fittings. Labours intensive lifting is expensive both in time and money. The optimum is to get the materials to the required level in the most efficient way. Lifting plant should be positioned around the building to ensure that excessive horizontal movement within the structural envelope is minimized. It should be positioned around the structural envelope is minimized. It should be able to carry component that needs to lifted, also bearing in mind its overall size. The load must be carried safelt and should be secured if there is the slightest danger of it falling. If the lifting conveyance is fixed provision has to be made to prevent the load falling outside the area occupied by the lift appliance. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) The amount of space on site will determine the allocation of the horizontal and vertical movement corridors, with an inherent danger of excessive travel by the site transport on an unlimited site and detailed planning required on a restricted one. The mode of transport to the site will affect how and where the materials will be offloaded. Site corridors should be designated according to vehicle or pedestrian use and prepared according to the loads they will have to convey. The type of transport will have to convey. The type of transport will have to be decided at the planning stage to ensure that deliveries can be handled efficiently. Vertical movement will depend upon the materials to be lifted and the height they have to reach. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) 2.3.4 Reduction of Waste Contractors are often active in the design phase when involved in design-build, construction management at risk, and agency construction management contractual relationships. This early involvement in the process provides the opportunity to help build realistic specifications for reducing waste in the construction process. (William R. Mincks Hal Johnston, 2012) Designers are typically aware of the physical attributes of materials; however, they dont usually consider the waste generated by the use of the material in the construction process. The contractor ia aware of the efficient use of material and its waste in each application. This insight can help the designer choose the optimal material for each particular use. (William R. Mincks Hal Johnston, 2012) The specification need to reflect what the owner is intending to accomplish concerning waste management. The specification should include requirements to achieve reduction of waste, such as requiring detailed waste management plans form the contractor and trade contractors on the jobsite. (William R. Mincks Hal Johnston, 2012) Waste is generated in a systematic process that can be scheduled. Begin making schedule requirements that will illustrate when and how waste will be generated. The schedule should be used to better understand waste generation and how best to recycle, reuse, or dispose of the different kinds of materials being used on the project. (William R. Mincks Hal Johnston, 2012) Figure 2.0 shows the composition of construction waste. C:UsersUserDesktopwaste.PNG Figure : Composition of construction waste Closer cooperation between designer and contractor in the design stages of building can help to prevent waste. The present form of competitive tendering produces a waste of contractors management resources in the synthesis of an unaccepted tender. This is also reflected in the successful tender in so much as the contractor will have had little or no influence over the design. His experience could have alleviated some of the waste brought about by inherent design factors. The incidence of waste has repercussions throughout the contract. Its effect will be seen through extra administrative work by management personnel, an increase in contract time, reallocation of labour, extra costs in replacement of materials, remedying faulty work because of materials, and extra costs in cleaning and disposing of waste materials. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) 2.3.5 Quality Control According to Sidney M. Levy (2007), the control of quality construction begins with an intensive review of the plans and specifications. There may be few deficiencies in the plans and specifications, some of which may have been uncovered during the estimating process, while other were unearthed by the subcontractor and vendors. The project superintendent may have unearthed constructability issues during his or her review. The need for all parties to thoroughly examine the documents under their control cannot be overemphasized. When problem are uncovered early in the game, the impact and associated costs are considerably less. Quality control is the function which must be performed throughout an organization in order to achieve its quality objectives. To produce effective quality control of incoming materials and components a practical site based system must be adopted. The control of work-in-progress will not be discussed unless it overlaps the system to be applied to materials. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) Component of building is cannot without the present of quality control because of the interrelationship of each others. The quality must set at the target where it is likely possible to achieved and sufficient. If the target of quality is arrange out of the capability, it not just wasting the time but also create delay of the project. So, quality control is not just based on what quality standard is to be achieved, but it is also based on the existing techniques and capability to control the quality. In order to control the quality of materials, materials can be inspected by 3 method which is visual method, tactile method, and statistical method. Inspection is not carried out by using either one of these methods but by according to the type of materials by using which method. Inspection is preferred to be carry out before the materials are unloaded as this can avoid unnecessary defective hence to prevent from wasting time and energy to demolish and rebuild. Visual inspection is generally only possible if the items are not packaged and where the quality can be seen at a glance, eg timber. During unloading some damaged goods may be found if a competent person is in charge. If it is left to untrained operatives to unload, damage may be caused and defective items not noticed and their importance realized. Checks should be carried out prior to and during unloading, with a final check on the method of protection. The vast majority of quality control checks are visual and defective material is generally easily recognized. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) For tactile inspection, from the appearance of a material it may be seen to be defective or of a poor quality but by touching it this can be confirmed. This method of inspection has only a limited application and is usually confined to materials such as sand, cement, plaster and joinery timber. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) By using statistical techniques on samples from bulk deliveries the state of the whole deliver can be fairly accurately forecast. It is not intended to describe here the mathematics behind these techniques but to show where they can be applied on the site. The most common sampling test used is the concrete cube test. A quality if concrete is taken from a batch, and compacted into a number of cast iron cubes. These are allowed to cure for a specific number of days and then the concrete cubes are tested for compressive strength. It is assumed that the cubes represent the whole batch of concrete and that the results of the tests on the sample reflect the expected results if all the concrete was tested. This same technique can be used on bricks, aggregate, timber, and components. (Ian E Chandler, 1978) Suggested by Ian E Chandler (1978), to be effective a quality control system should be based on a close liaison between the architect and the builder. A system should be developed in conjunction with the general materials handling procedures and this carried out under the responsibility of the person in control of materials. The system must be set the quality standard, plan how it is to be adopted, implement the methods of inspection and provide for a long term control of quality. An efficient system will cover its costs, ensure that a job is executed to the satisfaction of the architect and possibly provide and additional saving for the contractor. With strict control, pressure can be brought to bear on the materials suppliers and with good quality materials a high standard of workmanship can be achieved in creating the finished article. 2.4 Advantages of Material Management in Building Construction In Building construction industries, what is the advantages of Material Management will bring the benefit to Contractors Company. In fact, the adoption of Material Management by the Contractors Company will generate a number of significantly valuable advantages in terms of total organizational control and materials control. In according to Eugene L. Magad and John M. Amos (1995), the advantages are as follows: Maximun company profit Improved customer service Improvement of credibility Enhancement of communication Improved quality of staff 2.4.1 Maximum company profit According to Eugene L. Magad and John M. Amos (1995), like other major company functions, Material Management is mainly responsible to maximize the company profits. Because Material Management control the company 4M which is materials, machines, manpower, and money, it has significant potential for increasing company profits by reducing costs. Cost reduction opportunities are possible throughout the material function. Some typical examples are as follows: Decreasing part shortages (resulting in more efficient use of labour, plant and materials). Reducing inventory level through improved controls. Lowering transportation costs as result of using minimum cost of transport vehicle to send the building materials Always ensure the material is order and send to the site at the suitable time, prevent any material which is brought to the site prematurely. If possible, purchasing manager should order the material in large quantity and enjoy certain amount of discount. (Material in large quantity like cement, timber, and etc where can be store for longer period of time) Material Management can make an important contribution to a companys profit margin by reducing total costs, which can then provide a reduction in Building development price. Reduction development price can result in higher sales during the periods of marketing for completed building, as well as the ability to maintain sales volume during a contracting market. Another benefit achieved by reducing materials cost is that can help a company to maintain the same product (Building) price during periods of increasing resources costs. (Eugene L. Magad and John M. Amos , 1995) According to Elijah E. Ogbadu (2009), materials management and marketing department should cooperate in ensuring the organization for the profitability. Materials management has the ability to produce the exact quality of the materials used to avoid wastage to obtain the lowest possible cost which will then bring marketing maintain competitive advantage. Consequently sales and profit will be increased. 2.4.2 Improved customer service The second benefit of applied the Material Management in building industry is that the product quality provided to the customer will increased. Quality control is part of the essential topic under the Material Management function. In regard with the product quality, the firm which adopted the Material Management system will normally balanced their product cost and quality. It is not true that with the lowest cost of product will decline the quality of the product. When the building sales in the market with the reasonable cost and better quality, then it will constantly maintain the customer product quality and with lower building cost. (Eugene L. Magad and John M. Amos , 1995) 2.4.3 Improvement of credibility An important factor in the day-to-day operation of a company is the reliability and accuracy of each groups performance and activities. Each and group within the company must depend on others for correct timing and performance, if anyone falters, the overall performance is affected. In some respects, company activities are more complex than this. Individual department begin to take safety precautions when they are forced to work with others who are less reliable than they. With a Material Management organization, various functions (marketing, manufacturing, etc) get better, more reliable service. The Material Management organization provides credibility of performance, which helps to reduce costs and lessen confusion. It also contributes to an atmosphere of mutual and cooperation. (Eugene L. Magad and John M. Amos , 1995) 2.4.4 Enhancement of communication The Material Management offer the benefit of enhance the communication by provide a communication network that reacts quickly and facilitates improved rational action throughout the system. Combining the various fragmented groups enhances communication by shortening message channels, allowing common use of data, providing greater potential use of communication through data processing equipment, and encouraging the flow of information between people. (Eugene L. Magad and John M. Amos , 1995) 2.4.5 Improved quality of staff This statement given that the material manager will promote team based working and will offer greater promotion and staff development opportunities, the company will attract a higher capability staff to work together. Majority, the employee will aim for higher status of working environment and also challenging work. The company with systematic organization may attract those experienced staff working within the firm, so the company with Material Management system is form of systematic approach which will create a good image to company. (Eugene L. Magad and John M. Amos , 1995)
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